PSB Gold i vs. Soliloquy 6.3 vs Hales...

Please post your opinions on PSB Gold-i, Soliloquy 6.3, Hales Revelation 3, Paradigm Reference 100v2, and Meadowlark Heron-i , as to the following criteria;
Accuracy, Dynamics, Sound Stage, & Bass Extension, and please pick the Best Overall in this group for listening to a wide range of music.
Much thanks in advance to all!

Showing 1 response by ohlala

I totally agree with Martice and Daniel. I would add that the Rev. threes performance, especially soundstage and dynamics, depends a lot on the power and the quality of the amp. Even with low power i find the Hales to be more accurate/natural than the paradigms and psb's. Hales had the largest stage, but the psb's were in a small room, and paradigm speakers don't come with a soundstage. The 100v2s of course had the most bass, but i can't recall the relative extension of the three different speakers (not something i really pay attention to). There are so many aspects of accuracy that i'm not sure what specifically to comment on, but I find that the Hales are profoundly smoother, coherent, refined, musical and natural than the paradigms. The psb's are in between somwhere. I own the Hales, so you could say i'm biased. But i bought them after auditioning the other two.