PS Audio Ultralink DAC vs newer CD player

Hi All,

I currently have an Esoteric P-500 transport (from 1993) and a PS Audio Ultralink DAC. I am wondering how this set up compares to newer CD players like Cambridge D500SE or 540C. My budget is around $400 and I prefer to buy used equipment. The rest of my system consists of these:
Thiel 3.5 speakers
Legacy High Current amp
Creek OBH-12 preamp
Tara Labs RSC cablings

Thanks for you inputs.

Showing 1 response by tweak1

The biggest problem with separate trans/dacs is the SPDIF interface. The new PS Audio Perfect Wave eliminates this problem by using I2S. CD players eliminate SPDIF

Myself I have a Raysonic 228 cd player, replacing a 168 which is now for sale. Glorrious sound at a fairly sane price, but the PS was not avialble, nor is it quite, but if you can wait, do so