PS Audio Support

I wanted to pass along my recent experience with PS Audio Support and the company in general. I have a DirectStream DAC that is 3+ years old and out of warranty. I was having a challenge once I upgraded to their latest software version. I contacted their phone support and was greeted by TJ. I explained my situation and he was great walking me through some steps to diagnose the issue. We spent about 30 minutes on the phone with no success. He noticed I lived in the Denver area, they are in Boulder, CO. He said, if you have time why don’t you just come up and we will take a look at it on the spot. I drove up to their newer headquarters, very nice, and was met at the entry and taken back to the inner workings of PS Audio. Everyone was super friendly and took the time to say hello. They asked if I wanted a tour while they were looking at my DAC so of course, I said yes. I happened to pass Paul, the owner and he took the time to say hello. I got to see their brand new speakers being assembled and getting ready to debut at RMAF, talk to the engineer. I wanted to post about what a great company I believe PS Audio is along with their products. I believe they build excellent equipment and now I know how awesome everyone is that engineers, builds and supports their products. Ultimately I walked out of there with a new sister board to my network card with all the latest bells and whistles, they even cleaned the DAC and put on the protective vinyl so it wouldn’t get scratched during transport. I wish I can remember everyone’s name that helped me but I waited too long to write this. In summary, I recommend them strongly and no, I have no affiliation but will be a loyal customer forever. Thanks to all!
I currently own a DirectStream DAC and memory player and a P15 power regenerator.  I've previously owned the former memory player and the P10.  I have not had much need to contact PS Audio support, but the few times I've done so, they are the best of the best.

I purchased one of the "first generation" of the DirectStream DACs, shortly after it was introduced.  When I snagged the DirectStream memory player, I was having trouble pairing it with the DAC (so SACDs output would show up as PCM on the DAC).  Long-story-short, they replaced the digital board in the DAC and turned around the repair in just a few days.

One other thing, NO I'm not on the PS Audio payroll!
I just spoke by email with PS Audio. They are replacing the unit. That’s all I can really ask. Crap happens I guess. After I calmed down -- something that typically takes me a day or two -- I remembered how much I love their products. I have seven of them. So I’ll get the phono amp and then I’ll immediately order the P12, which I am dying to get. You’re all correct, it is a wonderful company that makes incredible products. This was just a glitch to which I over-reacted. LOL, something new for me.
Ah no.  The remote works just fine. The little red light blinks like crazy when I push in any of the buttons. Took off the top to see if there was anything amiss inside and actually got the remote to turn the product on and off twice and it even changed the gain from low to mid.  And that was it.  The product doesn’t respond at all.  Can’t be used.  This from a company that says it builds on order. Apparently doesn’t have any quality control.  Sad because the other products I have of there’s are great, but sending out a product that doesn’t work out of the box?  Really low rent.
Thats what happens when the ability to actually use an expensive box depends upon a $5 remote.
You gotta pull out that little plastic thingy so the batteries make contact
I have no affiliation but that is not representative of the company and their support. I would give them another chance. Maybe they wrote your number down incorrectly, who knows?
I just purchased a Stellar phono preamp.  Out of the box, doesn’t work.  Cannot set it up.  Cannot play through it.  Called them.  They said they would get back to me in minutes.  They didn’t.  The preamp,is going back and I won’t be buying from them again.  Very disappointed.  Thats what happens when the ability to actually use an expensive box depends upon a $5 remote.
We dropped in one day, got a tour, listened to the IRS V’s and met Paul. Felt very welcome. Great group of guys and gals. I really enjoy the Ask Paul videos he posts everyday. 
Although I have had contact via email with TJ, Scott and Kevin whenever I had an issue (mostly my fault), the the emails never lagged until the issue was solved. The most responsive group of guys you could ever hope to meet when you contact them with an issue. I know this is hardly the exception, more of a standard of excellence that everybody really takes to heart. I do not recall a single time that someone was unsatisfied with the results, but I am sure someone will complain about something as you can rarely please everybody.

I have been more than pleased with all the PS products that I currently own, which includes both a DSD DAC and a Perfect wave, both with bridges, the DSD Memory player and a Powerplant 12, and looking to get a 15 or 20 and move the 12 to my second system. They understood the rest was not their stuff (ARC and Pass for pre and power) and I was unlikely to change and there was no bad mouthing, just pure help. Refreshing experience to be sure.
I had a similar experience.  After the tour I got dropped off with the big Infinity speakers while they worked on my DAC.  Just hanging out by myself listening to whatever I wanted... was a great time/experience.