PS Audio: Power Plant Premier. How much ....

Anyone have any experience with maxing out a power plant premier? I run two pass labs amps at 300 each and a solid state phono at about 50 for 650 continuous. The fan doesn't turn on but I have to wonder if I would get better dynamics with two. I have gone straight to the wall and the dynamics are sharper, but I miss the blacker background and the detail that comes with it. Don't want to buy another just to find out. thanks
I tried running my Pass X350.5 on a Shunyata Hydra 8 and also a Synergistic Powercell 10SE, in both cases the dynamics were not as good as plugging the Amp straigt into a dedicated outlet just for the Amp.
Why would you keep something that does not work very well,or make your system sound worse? The PPP did nothing to correct my A/C power problems where I live. Useless for pure class A power amps that need fair amount of current reserve to drive them. I ended up buying two Purepower 2000 re-generators.For my plasma TV, they removed the grain and the colors are now just amazing.
Loss of dynamics with your whole system plugged into the Synergistic powercell 10SE? Not according to your review.

Your words:

I plugged my whole system into this PowerCell. Everything that used to be plugged into 3 dedicated outlets was now all plugged into the PowerCell using only one of the dedicated outlets.
Amazing, I would have never believed it. No choked sound, no loss of dynamics. To the contrary, as I stated above the dynamics were even better!
Never say never; my CJ 350 sounds better through my PPP than direct. I have made the comparison several times.