PS Audio P15 power conditioner vs Accuphase PS 520/530?

I want to add a power conditioner with my study system.  It consists of an Accuphase E-550 integrated, AMR DP77SE DAC, & Ridge Street Audio Design Sason speakers.  I feel no need to change components.  I'm debating between an Accuphase PS 520/530 or a PS Audio P15.

Has anyone compared the Accuphase and PS Audio power conditioners?
Your thoughts are appreciated. 

Showing 1 response by erik_squires

The Accuphase looks like an implementation of the Pure Power idea, one I first saw from the guy who makes Jensen audio transformers.

It's very neat and very efficient.

It tracks the incoming waveform and actively corrects it. As a result, it is high current, and high efficiency, without resorting to an AC--> DC --> AC reconstruction process like PS Audio uses.

I can't tell you how it sounds, but if it has the Accuphase label on it in the US I'm sure it's expensive as hell. :)

I'm not sure if PurePower is still selling or not, but if you are interested in that technology they are worth looking up.