PS audio new 25K dac and the psychological effect of owning a company's best.

I was purchasing some hi-res files from NativeDSD today and found mention of PS Audio’s Obsidian Ted Smith Signature Dac ($25K) in their compatibility excel table scheduled to be released in 2021. I am the owner of their Direct stream DAC and DSD memory player and I immediately thought that I would never spend 25K on a DAC. I also thought that now I can have their best so why to stay with the brand. This might be my personal bias but I was wondering if this has an effect on anyone else. Is owning the top-of-line of any brand important to you and would you leave a brand if you were priced out of the market?

Showing 2 responses by jasonbourne52

Another example of a company preying upon the insecure and gullible! There is no way that the parts count of this expensive DAC can justify such a high price! This applies to all uber-expensive DACs. A DAC is just a circuit board with a power supply in a case. An expensive price tag just stokes confirmation bias!