PS Audio BHK Signature preamplifier

Hi :-)
Has anyone heard this one?
And/or compared it with some other high-end preamps in the $5.-10.000 range?
I have Welborne Labs Star Chief 45 Monos and Avantgarde Acoustic Mezzo speakers (107 dB/(Wm)), and I'm now using a BAT VK-53SE preamp. I'm not sure of that running the BAT versus the SET amps brings the best out of the BAT.........
The BHK have got good reviews on SoundStage and audiophilia...........
Thanks :-)

Showing 1 response by glennewdick

I used to have the Welborne Labs Star Chief 45's  as well very nice amps just not enough juice for what I needed shame they do so much so well 2wc wasn't enough for the 94db speakers I was using.  I had good results driving them with an AudioNote M3 preamp seemed to work really nice, the M5 or M6 should be in your price range and much better then the M3 was. Or find a M2B that's the sweet spot in the range ( lower range of course)