Project Tube Box DS2 vs. Hagerman Audio Trumpet MC

I am currently using a Project Tube Box DS2 phono preamp. If you see my system, I love the tube sound and prefer over hyper detail and neutrality. However, I am not talking about extreme euphonics, loose bass and no sparkle at all. Modern tube sound is not like that. The vinyl setup is pretty decent, but recently I contacted Hagerman Audio Labs and Jim told me that the Trumpet MC is all tube amplification where the Project is tube buffer and the difference should be night and day. The Trumpet MC should blow the Project out of the water.

Given that the price difference is only $200 more for the Trumpet MC and Project is well made and is infinitely adjustable, do you agree with his assessment? Does anyone have experience with the Hagerman products or this phono in particular? He indicated his 30 day return policy is no strings attached, just pay return shipping which is no big deal as this weighs 3 lbs. However, I want to see if anyone has had the experience dealing with this company before.

Thanks in advance!

Just wanted to chime in and thank the Trumpet owners for spreading the knowledge. I am 32 days into my Trumpet and absolutely love the sound!


Coming from the Parks Audio Budgie the Trumpet is a whole new level.



Fantastic! Glad you are enjoying the Trumpet, I love mine as well.

Happy and fun tube rolling! Those Telefunken smooth plates are something special.  

Enjoy the tunes


Update: got it, love it. Went crazy on new and nos tubes for options and future proofing since I plan on having this for quite some time. 12au7 I got nos Sylvania’s and Rca pairs. 12ax7 I got a quad of telefunken smooth plates that are very smooth sounding and new issue gold lions, which respond better to acoustic guitar. Currently running a pair of each and while I haven’t critically compared, it sounds great to me!

I don't have any Tavish experience but the Trumpet has been a huge upgrade over my project tube box...

Looking to upgrade my phono stage I have a tavish vintage phono stage.Would the hagerman audio trumpet be worth the upgrade from mine tavish phono.


Holy smokes. Well, Russian made, so there ya go. That’s ridiculous.

For that $, I would be on the hunt for some old stock tubes.

Talk to Andy at Vintage Tube Services.




The Gold Lion gold pins I have are new. Really not a huge investment. IIRC about $35~40 per. Yea, you can replace two AX7’s at a time if you wish, but personally, I tried 2 of the stock Mullards and 2 of the Gold Lions, and yea, went with 4. The mix was fine, just didn’t give me the sound I wanted. Don’t get me wrong, the Mullards are pretty good, Kevin D likes them too, but as you, desired more airy sparkle and definition. The Gold Lions are also pretty good bass producers too.

The SBooster is the selectable 15-16.5v model. The Trumpet uses 15v.

Thanks, I think I may start with gold lions from Kevin's stash just bc in pretty new and don't want to get burned by a bad source. What do you think about getting 2 ax7 and 2 au7 and then 2 nos ax7s and try mixing? 


Congrats. Yea, they may break in some, but, depending on what you want, changing the tubes will change the sound signature quite a bit.

Do some research, read the sound signatures of various tubes, then try some. It’s fun. 

I also changed the 12au7’s to NOS Brimar’s from Upscale.

Pretty happy with those and the Dynaco/Telefunken smooth plates. I also listen to a lot of acoustical, jazz, and classical. So I wanted tweaks that would provide some ‘air’, as you say, sparkle, and definition. The stock Mullards are a bit thick and dense, and doubt break in will change that significantly. That’s what they are.

Then the SBoster LPS really made another nice improvement.

I emailed him, got this response: 

"Start with stock tubes, let them break in for awhile.  Then for tonality
changes, swap the X7 in pairs.  For dynamics and weight, the U7 pair."


Fwiw I ordered a trumpet... still not sure what to do on tubes. I listen to a lot of acoustic guitar and jazz and definitely want to keep definition


Change out the stock Mullard tubes in the Trumpet to something like the Genalex Gold Lion gold pin 12ax7’s (which I did soon after I bought the Trumpet), and you will get the sparkle and definition you might desire. Or, find some Telefunken smooth plates and that takes the Gold Lion presentation up a couple more notches but with much less grain and added smoothness. I was lucky to find some Dynaco branded Telefunken smooth plates for at least 1/2 the cost of Telefunken branded tubes. I would go that route first, if you can spend the extra over the Gold Lions.

I know I read that someone asked Jim Hagerman about the difference between these two phono pre’s (Tube Box vs the Trumpet), and it is said he thinks the circuitry of the Pro-Ject makes it more a ‘tube buffer’ stage vs his Trumpet. It would be best to email Jim and ask him directly.  

Jim provides a 10 year warranty, and I would bet if the Trumpet didn’t work out for you, you could return it for a full refund. Again, ask Jim directly. 

Did you end up getting this? I'm currently in a tube box s2 and looking at the trumpet...I feel like when I compare with digital I'm losing definition and sparkle, but at same time if I wanted a digital sound I would just go with a solid state or abandon vinyl, so I do see value in tube sounds... just want to make sure tube box to trumpet can get me to that sweet spot...


I think you will be pleased. There isn’t really just one thing the SBooster improves. It’s the overall performance. 

I was getting ready to go to bed last night after several hours listening, and had to play another LP instead. That is always a good thing. 😉


Thanks! That's good enough for me. I'm driving distance from Upscale will plan on getting it soon.


The SBooster power supply came today for the Hagerman Trumpet. Yep, after a few LP’s, I can definitely say an improvement to an already great phono pre. More ‘filled-out’, more definition, more ‘punch’ in its overall presentation.

Now, I got mine used, in NM condition for only $250 shipped. New ones go for almost twice that. Was $250 worth it? To me, without a doubt. $400+/-? I still think it’s worthwhile. Takes the Trumpet and raises it a notch or two in its overall performance, to what it already does well.

My $0.02


Great, pease let us know how well it works. I would definitely invest if it improves performance.


Not sure that an outboard power supply is necessary.

Well, I'm getting ready to find out. I have a sBooster power supply that arrives in the next couple days. I bought it used from a gentleman who also used it with a Hagerman Trumpet as well, and he said it added quite a bit to the Trumpets overall performance. 

We'll see. For what I paid for it, worth the shot.

I own a Hagerman Trumpet MC as well. Outstanding gear. For kicks, I tried running my low output (.35v) MC cart at 68db gain. Pretty hum or noise. Try that level of gain with any phono stage with a wall wart. I currently like running it at 64db gain and it's perfect. 

The Advantage of the setting loading and gain in the Hagerman is that these are all front panel mounted controls. So easy to do that you can help trying all the settings to find the best result.

My previous phono stage was the top of the line Project Phono box RS. Even with an outboard power supply, there was some hum at 60db gain.There was also a very slight hum running MM.

The Hagerman Trumpet MC has a very smooth, detailed and organic presentation. No hum, no noise. All with a wall wart. Not sure that an outboard power supply is necessary.



Nearly $800 of upgrades for a $1K unit?

Seems a little excessive, but if your ears justify it, enjoy!

Not when the stock unit can compete easily with phono pre’s 2-3 times its cost. Thus why I have had no issues spending money on tube upgrades, as example (recently installed older used but well measured Dynaco/Telefunken smooth plate AX7’s in mine, that replaced Gold Lion gold pins, that replaced the stock Mullard’s).

I’ve considered the same power supply from Upscale for mine, but satisfied at the moment. Cost to do so would not make me think twice though, as I’m extremely happy with the Trumpet, and if would take it to another level? No brainer.

"First I up-graded the power supply to BOTW MkII toroidal power supply you can purchase from Upscale Audio, replaced the Mullard tubes with Gold Lion "Kevin's Stash" from Upscale Audio" 

Nearly $800 of upgrades for a $1K unit?

Seems a little excessive, but if your ears justify it, enjoy!


I'm running the Trumpet MC paired with Hana ML cartridge based on recommendations from a friend who is a true guru in setting up phono sections.  He claims the Trumpet MC competes with phono stages at much higher costs making it a true "over-achiever" component.  After some tweaks to the overall setup on a VPI Prime Scout, his opinion of my setup puts it in the top 5 setups he's ever heard.  It really didn't sound that great out of the box but I suspect that was mostly burn-in.  I also had a bias issue with the Mullards it came with but don't let that put you off the stock tubes.  I know someone running the stock Mullards and they work nicely.  With that said, I went over and beyond.  Here's what I did to get it performing top notch.  First I up-graded the power supply to BOTW MkII toroidal power supply you can purchase from Upscale Audio, replaced the Mullard tubes with Gold Lion "Kevin's Stash" from Upscale Audio and applying some FoQ damping material to the inside of the of enclosure box.  The casing is light material and applying the right amount (not too much) changed the presentation with a positive result.  A couple further tips 1) don't necessarily settle for the loading your cartridge calls for.  Experiment.  As it turns out, the Hanna ML 100 ohm loading cart actually sounds best two positions higher on the loading.  2) This phono stage takes a while to burn in fully and if you change loading/gain this will require moregh more burn-in if you haven't yet burned in on those settings.  So give it some time.  Ultimately, I'm amazed at how good my phono section is.  It sounds so much better than any digital source I have.  I have a very good CD Transport/DAC combo and it's not even close.  I'd imagine you can get the Trumpet MC sounding very good without the upgrades I did.  Focus on proper burn-in and setup with your cartridge and table to start with.  However, there's considerable further potential with tweaks.  In may case, it now outperforms a $3,500 hand built tube phono stage I have with NOS Telefunken tubes in it (the best you can get @$500ea).  I was very fond of this prior combo but wanted something that I could afford replacement tubes for.  Nailed it!

Hagerman has been killing it with his phono preamps for many years now. I haven't heard this newest version with the 'reduced' PS but I have heard the prior Trumpet sound awesome with a very good front end. ( Ortofon A90 with Durand tonearm etc. )

As to if it will make a night and day difference depends a bit on how far you take the technics/Hana setup fine tuning imho...
Thanks @bkekse. I have a Technics 1210GR with a LOMC cart as well - Hana SL. It feeds into a tube integrated through the Project. I think the stock tubes could be better. I am trying a pair of Mullard reissue 12ax7s. If they are not satisfactory, I may give the Trumpet MC a shot. However, his response time could be better. I have to nudge him more than once to get an answer. So I am wondering what if I want to return or need service. Will he be responsive? I realize he is one man show.
I purchased a Trumpet earlier this year as a result of the many good reviews from @mulveling here. He has (and has had) a lot of phono stages to compare the Trumpet to, some (much) more higher priced, and he rates the Trumpet extremely high in comparison. So, after much thought, I jumped in and purchased one.

I like it a lot. A very warm, full, big, and rich presentation. Digs deep across the range. Obviously that can be changed to some degree with tube rolling. All very subjective, so I’ll leave it at that.

Carts make a difference as well. I started with my Soundsmith Zephyr MKIII ES high output (2.4mV) MI, but just very recently installed a Soundsmith MIMC Star Lo output (.4mV) version of the Zephyr. I do believe I like the Trumpet with my lower output cart as it seems to perform even better to my ears, and also provides additional tweaking for presentation preferences.

Some do not like Jim’s decision for the power supply set-up, but as Jim has stated, he feels he got almost all the performance of his earlier and much higher cost Trumpet phono stages for a fraction of the cost. I have no complaints.

In terms of Jim and his company, I have had no issues. The couple times I have reached out to him he has answered fairly quickly. I live in Ohio, and the Trumpet arrived about a week from Hawaii after ordering. I have no doubt if there is a problem, Jim will resolve it. He’s a ‘one man band’, so all issues will be directly dealt with by him. And with a 10 year warranty, that also isn’t bad. He has been around for a while, and seems very passionate about his products.