

Responses from dandaroy

Sub repair or new sub?
@soix there is no shipping involved as they will ship the amp for $399.99 and then I have to replace it which is fairly straightforward. However, I do agree that I probably should look at a new sub around the $500 mark.  
Cornwall IV vs. Volti Rival, Razz; Razz v. 1, 2, 3 -- what changed?
What’s up with the horribly uneven frequency response of Volti Razz as measured in the Stereophile review. I am not criticizing, rather asking a honest question.  
Denafrips FPGA Firmware Update
Been listening to latest v1.4 on my Pontus II. Glad with the sound, but irritated with the micro fast forwards I am hearing with CDP playback. Happens intermittently and infrequently, but every once in while the song will fast forward a few sec an... 
Denafrips FPGA Firmware Update
@mr_m micro distortions are small static or zzz sound during playback that last much less than 1 second. As if the music distorts, but only very short duration. Happens randomly and infrequently and not repeatable.   
Denafrips FPGA Firmware Update
I was hearing micro-distortions (which has been reported by some as well, not all) with the v1.4 in my Pontus II. I probably did not give it enough time for burn-in for the sound. I could not live with micro-distortions.   
Denafrips FPGA Firmware Update
Anyone update to FW 1.4 and then revert back FW 1.0 on Pontus II. I did just that. The FW 1.4 sounded less natural as if DSP has been added to the sound like you get in AV receivers. Also I am getting micro-distortions on the sound randomly which ... 
Sweet Sounding DAC
I liked the Lab12 DAC1, but on the digital inputs connected to a streamer it would create a noise every time the bit rate changed. Manufacturer said it is normal. For $3200, I was not willing to live with noise/clicks/pops, so back it went.  
Project Tube Box DS2 vs. Hagerman Audio Trumpet MC
Thanks @bkekse. I have a Technics 1210GR with a LOMC cart as well - Hana SL. It feeds into a tube integrated through the Project. I think the stock tubes could be better. I am trying a pair of Mullard reissue 12ax7s. If they are not satisfactory, ... 
Brand new Technics SL-1210GR platter wobble ... disappointed!
Found a brand new in box SL1210GR from a different online dealer with a return policy. We will see how this one turns out! 
Brand new Technics SL-1210GR platter wobble ... disappointed!
Will the Technics retain the warmth of belt driven turntables? Michael Fremer in his review indicated that constant adjustment of speed gives it a sharp edge to the sound? 
Brand new Technics SL-1210GR platter wobble ... disappointed!
@stereo5 I think it is a good value given the price, but there is also a cult status that these turntable has achieved and hence it is never in stock. I am certain, a % of these player are escaping QC and many users just do not care, just buy it a... 
Brand new Technics SL-1210GR platter wobble ... disappointed!
@larrys have you checked out or know of (through secondhand), the new new Thorens TD-1600. I know the company is nothing like the old, but the 1600 design looks classic and has some decent reviews. It is a bit more expensive $3k than I want to spe... 
Brand new Technics SL-1210GR platter wobble ... disappointed!
So, it looks like all the Technics are gone and I am told backordered until August. Can anyone suggest another TT I can try in this price range up to $2500? I have a Hana SL cart that I would like to use with it. I have Project Tube Box DS2 with G... 
Brand new Technics SL-1210GR platter wobble ... disappointed!
@audioguy85 there is wobble of the top surface. I could not capture it with the phone. Whether it is going to be audible is another matter of debate. 
Brand new Technics SL-1210GR platter wobble ... disappointed!
@stereo5  Crutchfield's return policies are pretty good. I sent it back for a refund. This table is out of stock almost everywhere and whenever it is in stock it does not stay that way for long. However, I am very hesitant to try it out again to s...