Problem with Roon

Hello all. I stream all music from Quboz.  When using the Roon Nucleus sometimes it will not let me play the Artist.  Screen says not available on Quboz at this time. Just today trying to play Aerosmith Roon won't let me play any of the content.  But ifi go to Quboz it is available.  It's not just Aerosmith.  A few others as well. Any ideas? Thanks.


Showing 1 response by knighttodd

Thanks for the suggestion.  I did a work around.  Deleted the albums in question then re added.  Now they play. I also wonder why if I add an artist while listening in roon it doesn't add the artist to my Quboz account.  I do enjoy using Roon but it can be frustrating.  Oh well,  I just paid for another year of possible headaches 😩.