Problem Solvers Needed-Got my New XOs installed and am worried....

I think I made a big mistake. I loved the sound of my 1988 Tannoy FSM Dual concentric 15'
speakers. So I thought an expert could analyze the existing XOs and make improvements.
I installed the new XOs expecting a 300-400 hour burn in period. Herein lies the problem.

After 30 hours or so the initial sound has no high end to it. I expected to initially hear sound as good as I had
which would continue to improve as the burn in continued. But no. 

I am tempted to reinstall the old XO and kiss off the $2k invested. 

I am very open to some suggestions from anyone who has been down this road.


Showing 5 responses by chorus

I paid to have my prius v rear seats removed and brought him two, 180 lb speakers in the flesh. Listening apparently does not figure into his recommendations.

Update for all.

After closer to 400 hours the sound went to better than what I

had by a decent amount. Patience was all that was needed.

Thanks for all the suggestions!!

I had not dreamt I would receive this much great advice.
Thanks to all who took time to contribute!

Some more detail:
The existing system was measured and found to have wide impedance drops-to as low as 1- with frequency responses that were
a long way from straight lines.
Most of the existing XO parts were from about 1988.

The coils were puny. 

The original system included multiple db settings in 3 areas
of treble. 

You could also run it as a 3-way or a 2 1/2 way. 

On the computer screen the new system- which eliminates
all the old tonal adjustment options- was way simpler and produced
straighter frequency responses.

The new XO also eliminated the option to bi or try wire the cables.

The new XO came in the form of a bag of parts and a wiring diagram of the three speakers. 

I took these to a guy who truly knows how to assemble things- PHD & former professor who personally assembled 4 Pass DIY amp & pre kits during Covid last year. 

I was only left to wire the color coded XOs to the speakers.
Perhaps I messed up something but I do not think I did.

I will try to determine if the tweeters are in fact working or not.
As I listen I really do not hear anything in the higher range at all.
This is what has me most worried.

I was warned that 400-500 hrs of burn in are needed and I am nowhere
near that. 

I have not consulted the fellow who made the new XOs yet for his advice. Thought I would start with you all. 

I will advise more as it develops.

I may have mis-explained. There were no L-pads before. Just optional db treble settings. Like 0/+3/-3.
After a few hours of listening I rolled the big boys into the other room for storage until I had a direction on what to do. 
My amp is a Pass INT 25. 
I can send you the before and after graphs if that helps. Not familiar with how to PM people on this forum though.
I will disassemble one and try some tests.

The two XOs in both speakers are easily removed and shipped.
As you say I would have preferred to have maintained the all the original functionality.

If you have any suggestions of who to hire to fix this F-up on my part
I am listening. 


I have been traveling for the past two weeks and left my problem at home. To answer a couple questions:

-Yes I loved the sound prior to the XO upgrade attempt.
-No I was not having any issues
-Yes I marked each left and right side parts.
-No I have not done any tweeter testing but when I get back I will.
-Yes I plan to take one speaker to my local guru who can tell me
what could be incorrectly connected

Unless my friend can make the speakers sound good again
using the parts I was sold, I plan to follow the advice given
above about returning to the existing XOs and simply upgrading
them where it makes sense.

I will have some updates in another week or so.
