Problem advice please

I came home last night and noticed that the light on the front LCD dispay of my Denon 2900 is not functioning
The front display is completely black
At first I thought the player was not functioning than I noticed that the light to indicate standby mode is illuminated. The player still functions

What is involved to get this fixed
Do I need to go back to Denon
I bought the player from John Tucker at Exemplar

Your thoughts are appreciated

Showing 5 responses by bluemike

my guess is the light burned out
We had a few power outages in the last week when this happens the unit remains powered on
The most recent power outage happened during the night and since my stereo is in the basement the unit had been powered on for a full day

Does it make sense to open up the unit and see if the light is burned or should I get a technician to look at it
as it's not as simple as it seems
Thx for all your advice Guys

I did check to see if I inadvertently turned off the display that's not the case

The player is approx 2 years old I bought it here on audiogon

Thx for your input Alex if it is the cathode voltage how much would it cost to repair
Reporting back once more on my problem ...

When I look at the front display there is a dim light when I turn it on vs when it is turned off
however the blue lighting which shows the tracks and all other information is not illuminateD. The screen is blank

Do I need to send the unit back to Denon
I have not e mailed John Tucker as the unit was bought re sale here at Audiogon.

Any further input is appreciated !
Alex Thx for your responses
Is this something that I need to go directly to Denon or can an experienced digital technician do the work instead

Please advise

General question to the forum Any good technicians in the Toronto area ?
Guys I tried it all
I will let a techie look into the problem and report back

Thx for all your helpfull suggestions
The bright side is the music coming from the player is as good as ever.