Pro-Ject Tube Box DS Phono Pre Settings for Sumiko Bluepoint #2 cart?

I just recently purchased a ProJect Tube Box DS. Can anyone provide the best jumper configuration to accompany my Sumiko Bluepoint #2 High Output Moving Coil cartridge? I can't seem to find a definitive answer. And the manual isn't very helpful.
Thank you!
your cartridge is a high output moving coil.  set all of the jumpers per the recommendations in the manual for the example of the ortofon x5 mc cartridge, e.g 50 db gain and each of the input capacitance jumpers, 220pf and 100pf.  since it is a dual mono design duplicate those jumpers on each side.  i would also recommend to use the subsonic filter.  
many people dismiss the sound of this unit and wrongly so in my opinion.  it gives you a dynamic sound and the expansive 3D soundstage that tube gear is known for.  i really enjoyed mine when i owned it, it sounds better than any phono stage at or below its price.  good luck.