pro-ject cd box rs2 vs jays audio cd2 mk3

I have been following a lot of posts here , but I have not read of any comparisons as of the 2 transports . I am on the fence about the 2 transports as it does not seem that there is to many choices in that price range. I can purchase both transports for about the same price . any body compare them yet or have any other thoughts . thanks

Showing 1 response by bigkidz

This has been covered before.  @Teajay and I both came to the same conclusion about the two transports.

People who make comments who don't know anything should keep their comments to them selves.  And yes the Pro-Ject does make that big of a difference.  So your cheap transport will not and does not compete at all.

If you re thinking the MKIII may be better - it would have to make a significant improvement to make that leap IMO.

Like already stated, get a linear power supply for the Pro-Ject and be done with all of this.  BTW I currently own the Audiomeca Mephisto II transport, Metronome  T1A & AL2 CD Transport & Power Supply and a CEC transport.  The Pro-Ject is better than all three.

Happy Listening.