Primare/ Vincent Adio /NAD /Rogue/ AVA /Hegel...- need a simple and reliable integrated

I came up with this list based on price and functions but all I know is that they are (mostly) boutique brands, cherished by audiophiles. I have heard NAD and Vincent and none of the rest. 

  • Vincent SV-500
  • Primare I2*
  • Rogue Sphinx v2
  • Audio by Van Alstine Vision SLR 
  • Hegel H160/ H120
  • NAD C368
  • Simaudio Moon I-5

I don't stream, I have a turntable and CD player. I am good with 50Watts per channel, and I would like to avoid tubes for no-fuss maintenance. I have Klipsch RP8000F speakers. I prefer sound on the warm side, I mostly listen to 60s and 70s rock and some soul/jazz/blues. I have decent hearing, I enjoy a nice soundstage but I nothing as critical and analytical as some of you/the typical audiophile. 

I am a bit shallow, looks are important :) My budget would allow me to buy one of these used 5-10 years old (stretched... price is key, I would prefer a cheaper model with less functions)

If you own or have heard any of them and can tell me what the best choice/value is based on sound and reliability, that would be a great help.


Showing 3 responses by 2psyop

I have a Rogue Atlas Magnum III and it’s truly exceptional as an integrated tube amp. So will jump on the Rogue bandwagon, as I think all of their products are very good and the service and parts (should you need this down the road) is in PA.

I have a Musical Fidelity M6500i integrated amp and a Rogue Atlas Magnum III. The first is a solid state beast but yet very refined, the second is a tube integrated that is clear and warm. I really like both. Very well built and quiet. I can’t speak about the other brands.

I know this sounds a little counter productive but given all the recommendations you have received, if I were in your shoes I would begin to make a list of retail stores that carry the brands on my short list. I would find a city or town within driving distance… whereby I could listen to a few or even a couple of my choices, that would be ideal. I would call ahead to these dealers and setup listening sessions with my media, my familiar music. I say that because my money has always been tight and once upon a time I thought I liked a brand and bought several components that turned out bad, very bad by shopping online and through forum research. I ended up losing more money than my pride allows me to say. I should have taken the time to really research and listen to brands, get more info from dealers and ultimately make a better choice. It’s unfortunate that much of the dealer’s experience and knowledge gets lost in the mix. I am not saying you should buy from them but in my experience of owing used and new gear, often listening first has been the most revealing factor in making my decision.