Primaluna or not Primaluna


I have been hesitated some time now between buying new speakers or a new amplifier and have decided I will buy a new amplifier.

My list of demands:
It will take EL34, KT77, KT88 and 6550. Bonus if it takes KT120.
It will give at least 35 w with EL34 and 45 w with KT88.
It will have easy biasing using a screwdriver and with somekind of build in meter. In worst case autobiase will do.
It will use tube rectification and not solid state rectification (because I have heard solid state rectification takes away the tube sound).
It will not cost more than aprox $4000.

I have had a Line Magnetic LM-34IA once but had to much problems with the quality (bad solderings and bad balance between left and right).
First I thought it sounded quite good, but after have heard a Audion Audio Stirling EL34 SET amplifier I changed my mind. Now the LM-34AI sounded just OK.
I was told that Stirling EL34, with 12 w should be enough for listening at normal volumes with my 89dB speakers. But it was not. So here I am…
(And yes I know; a push-pull amp will never sound as a SET amp).

I have read about several amplifiers but none of them seems to fit my demands.

Here are my notes:
Line Magnetic LM-88IA   -   Just KT88. Bad experience with LM, both quality and sound.
Audio Research I/50   -   Just 6550 tubes. Too much hassle when adjusting bias.
Rogue Cronus Magnum III   -   Very mixed opinions. Solid state rectification.
Raven Blackhawk Mk 3.1   -   Just 6L6 tubes. Have to be imported from the US.
Tsakiridis Aelos Plus   -  Just KT88 tubes.
Fezz Silver Luna Prestige   -   Just EL34 tubes.
Fezz Titania   -   Just KT120 tubes (and maybe KT150 and KT170 too).
Cary SLI-80HS   -   Many bad opinions. Solid state rectification.
Jadis   -   Either too weak or too expencive.
Primaluna   -   ???

What makes me a little ”worried” is that Primaluna has so many build in features which are supposed to make my life as a tube amplifier owner easier.
I mean, doesn’t these fetures affect the sound? ”Less is more”?


If you have any thoughts or experience about this, please let me know.


Showing 8 responses by simna

Wow...if that Zen TORII Mk 5 sounds half as good as it looks it must be heaven for a music lover.

But will it really be enough for my 89dB speakers? At least they claims that.

And I have my eyes on Duevel Venus speakers too. They are at 88dB, 4 ohm and I've read that they need atleast, in a small room, 30-40 w. But maybe it's "ordinary solid state watts";)

What speaker do you have with the Decware?


Why would you sell your Primaluna for a class D amp if you think Primaluna sounds good? They sound quite different, don't they?

My speakers are Tannoy Legacy Eaton.

Several of your sugestions is not availeble in Sweden (where I live). If I was in the US it would be pretty easy to order an amplifier from some small interesting brand and have the option to return it in, say, 60-days, if I don’t like it. That will not be so easy when living in Sweden. And if I took a chance and order a amp for $4000 it would be $5500 when I would receive it due to tax and fees.

Yes, there are always other amlifiers that sounds better. Even if I buy one for 10k there will be better ones.

I gladely loose some detailand sound stage to a sound that engages me, makes it fun to listen to the music and makes me forget analyzing everything. Rather a presentation that alows me to listen to more that 50% of my CD:s and LP:s without beeing disturbed by harsh and thin sound. With other words; it’s OK if the sound is a bit more warm and forgiving than being neutral and analytical.
I want an amplifier that seduces me with the music, not just giving me the biggest sound stage, all the details and the truth and nothing but the truth.

I remember when I was a teenager and I just was listening to the music and never had any thougts about how detailed or reveiling or.... the sound was. I was just embraced by the music.
I know I will never find my way back to when the music was everything and I never though much about the details of how the presentation.
When I bought my first "upgrade", then the hunt for better sound started.
Maybe 14 years as a mastering engineer ”destroyed my simple way” of listening too.

Problem is that I bought a tube amp several years ago (Tube Technology Unisis Signature with EL84 tubes) and fell in love with the ”tube magic”.
If it hadn’t been for for a bad PCB-card I would surely have used it today.
Bought a solid state amp, Musical Fidelity M6, but never really liked it.
Bought a Line Magnetic LM-34AI and never really liked it.
Bought an Audion Audio Sterling and really liked it, but the problem was the measly 12 watts.
So now I have a pile of tubes I want to use (EL34, KT88, 6550, 6922, ECC81, ECC82, ECC83, E88CC…).

And here I am today, struggeling to find the best partner to my

Many thanks to you all for all the input.


I have actually found a used pair Quicksilver Mid Mono for $1000. Seller says it has a led light that should glow when you have got the bias right. But then it can just optomise one type of tubes, EL34 i suppose. 
How does this work with KT88?



Late reply? I think you were fast :)

I thought using a multimeter was the new way because they say at the Quicksilver web site you have to use a multimeter.
But how does this work? Will the amp detect which tubes are installed? I mean EL34 and KT88 shouldn’t be biased with the same voltage. And what about KT120?

What makes me a little hesitant is the seller says both tubes are biased simultaneously!!!

I know Feliks Audio very well. I have had their headphone amp Elise many years. And I love it.
But 8w will be even worse than my 12w I have today.

@arro222 ​​​​​​

Yes,  I still have the Audion and I have bden looking at Zu DW6 but I'm afraid the leap from Tannoy will be to big for me. I like the laidback sound but Yes,  sometimes it is a little too much and they are a bit too rolled off. But they works with everything from classical music to progressive rock. At least to my ears.

@ coltrane1

I actually have a quad EL34 Winged C.

And it is the PL EVO 300 I am considering.