Prima Luna and Focal Aria 926

Will a Prima Luna Evo 100 Integrated drive the Focal Aria 926 in an 11' x 20' room sufficiently? I listen at around 70 to 75db mostly.


At 75db volumes no problem. 

I have a 40watt Jolida integrated and it pushes my Focal 836w and my Pioneers very well at mid volume. Get up in the mid 90db range it starts to run out of gas a little. 

Years ago I used the a PL Prologue 2 (Evo 100 predecessor)with 89db speakers.  Other than concert level volumes it was fine. 

Focal spec is 91-92.  Since manufacturer specs always are higher than real world, that means my speakers were likely 87 or so.

Dimensions of my room are 13x26