Preparing for Montreal Jazz Fest, who would you want to see live?

My pick so far is Melody Gardot and Corea/McBride/Blade kinda slim to make a desired trip to one of my favorite North American cities. Avishai Cohen seemed to have some great kicks, but not a lot that I liked.

Anyone can chip-in with recommendations?

Why don’t you check out a few of the artists on Spotify/Tidal/Youtube to see who suites your taste? Personally, I wouldn’t miss Gregory Porter, Ceu, Stacey Kent, Chick Corea (w/Christian McBride and Brian Blade) and Lauren Hill for sure. Lauren has had some personal/voice issues since I saw her perform just after Miseducation was released so can’t say what you should expect.
Mostly looking for sophisticated jazz, fusion. Montreal is the place for great fusion jazz.
Tord Gustavsen for sure. But not if you are looking for excitement.
But I would definitely see him.
Thanks for replies! I was skeptical for young kid, but I mentioned Chick Corea, McBride and Blade. This line-up seems to be quite poor compared to previous years.
I second Joey Alexander.  I'd love to see this kid live.  If he shows up within 300 miles, I'm going.

I would also throw a vote in for Lauryn Hill.  Maybe too far on the R&B side for you, but she's the real deal.

The other standout for me is Chick Corea with Brian Blade and Christian McBride.  Whether or not you even like his stuff it would be worth it just to see the assembled talent.

I hope you have a seriously good time!
