You need a solder pot to terminate that kind of wire. The heavier green coated wire is for lo frequ, the fuzzy copper is for hi frequ. The copper wire spirals around the green and so is physically longer than the green so that the faster highs and slower lows reach the other end at the same time ;-)
The two kinds of wire can only make contact at the ends of the cable. Dunking the tip of the wire into a solder pot burns away the epoxy coating and tins the wire all at once. Soldering irons aren't hot enough. Scraping is an exercise in futility ;-)
The two kinds of wire can only make contact at the ends of the cable. Dunking the tip of the wire into a solder pot burns away the epoxy coating and tins the wire all at once. Soldering irons aren't hot enough. Scraping is an exercise in futility ;-)