Preamps with Dual Main Out?

I am setting up a twin pair of Eminent Technology LFT-8a's (that's four speakers) as my main two channel speaker system.
I would like to run both of these pairs of speakers in passive biamped configuration, which necessitates my splitting the signal from the cd and either obtaining a second Audio Research LS-9 preamp to match mine, or a different (and hopefully comparable sonically) preamp with dual sets of main outputs rca.
I had a Meridian 501 at one time which did have the twin outputs, but frankly I will not step back down to that level again to obtain my objective (I feel that the AR is superior).
Any AR-like quality preamps with dual single ended outs? My budget is approx. $1,000 and I prefer to purchase used/audiogon.
Appreciate the suggestions.

Showing 2 responses by tobias

Klyne preamps are solid state units. Older models like mine don't have remotes. I don't know about newer models--Nrchy has one so he would know-- but sadly, your budget is too low for them anyway. There are other good choices, though. Happy hunting !