Preamplifier to replace Ayon CD-5S with GamuT D200i
Looking for advice regarding a preamplifier to pair with a Gamut D200i power amp and Salk SoundScape 8 speakers. I am currently using Ayon CD-5S as a preamp/CDplayer/DAC for streamer. The GamuT is fantastic and while I have generally been pleased with the tubed Ayon, the Philips CD-Pro transport recently sh** the bed and costs about $1,200 to replace. I am also not thrilled with dealing with Ayon here in the US. I mostly stream flac/dsd files now (no vinyl) so wondering I would be better off switching to a good preamp and standalone DAC. I have not heard the GamuT with any other preamps so interested experience of others.
Some DACs have variable output (aka volume control). Do you listen to more than one source? You might be able to two birds/one stone, and use the saved money to up the quality on the (one) component you buy, to go with that very nice Gamut.
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