Preamp under 800$


I am currently using a pioneer sa8500 integrated amplifier as preamp. I would like to use it in a secondary system and improve my main system with a better preamp. (need at least two line sections and one phono section)
My system:
Thorens TD166 with Grado red cartidge (MM)
Marantz CD74 CD player
Nakamichi PA7EII Stasis amplifier
JBL L112
Mogami 3082 cables

I am mostly listening to vinyls, the phono section of the preamp is therefore very important to me.
Concerning the sonic signature, I am very concerned about the soundstage and imaging on one side, and the warmth in the mids on the other side. I am not seeking for extreme details or transparency, I would rather like to improve the presence in the low mids.
I listened to Threshold FET 9 and liked it, but I can't find one on the market at a reasonable price.
What about Nakamichi CA5 II (around 500$) ? Is it similar to the FET 9? I have been told that the CA5 wasn't that good but that the second version was a significant improvement...
Thanks for reading, I am looking froward to read your comments.

There is a Manley on Agon now for $625. That's a steal. This is an early model of the Shrimp, but Manley gear is very respectable. I would try this instead of some of the other unknown stuff out there.
At that price, I have seen models as high as the 45 and 47.5 in Classe, the Muse Model 3 Signature is excellent also.
At the budget, in Solid State, thats were I'd be looking.
The Rogue model is the Metis and goes for $1195 new. See if a used one comes up for sale.
I also owned a threshold FET2 that was out before the 9. I still think the Classe was better sounding. And I used Grado with both. Now I use tube electronics and the Classe is the closest to that. You can check out Rogue Audio if you want to go with tubes with a phono section,my friend uses that preamp and it sounds real nice.Make the guy an offer on that Classe you have nothing to lose.
Thanks for your answers,

I actually found a FET 9 for 840 $.
Is it a reasonable price?
The classe CP35 is at 695 $, to which I shall add 50 $ to convert the 220 V to 110 V (I am in France)

So between a Classe CP 35 at 750 $ and a FET 9 at 840 $, what would be your advice ?

Last question, do you know of any tube preamp worth trying in my budget?

Thanks again
Check out Class'e. I had one years ago and they are a great preamp. There is a model 35 for sale here now,I would grab it before it goes.
Started to read the post and was going to suggest the Threshold Fet 9 or Forte. I continued to read and then saw that you have had experience with it. Sorry, I have no experience with the CA5, but I can tell you that I have enjoyed every Threshold and Forte unit that I have owned. No help!!!