preamp recommendation for bedroom set amp


I am using a 20 watt art jota set amp in my bedroom system which uses a digital marantz 10N universal player via rca IC and reference 3a episode (efficient 92db) speakers.

while the art jota has volume control I think would get better sound still with a preamplifier. I would also like to have a remote and a headphone jack in the preamp.

can someone recommend a preamp for a set amp ideally with a remote and headphone jack but not required.



Showing 1 response by charles1dad

I took my 300b SET (Coincident Frankenstein mono blocks) to a friend’s home to hear in his system. We used his LTA Micro Z OTL MZ2 (With linear power supply and 6SN7 tubes)  as the preamplifier. Absolutely zero issues and the pairing had very good sound quality. I can’t foresee any potential problems with your Art Audio Jota SET (Very nice amplifier BTW).