Preamp, Amp, Tone?

I have Sonos Port connected to my Preamp, which is connected to my) Amp, a Sub, and 2 speakers. System also has (finally bought) a nice turntable and CD player. Lately, I'm finding I use the Port as a streamer for majority of listening (I digitized most of my CD library). The sound is good, but lately I find I want to adjust the tone of the music, as previously my integrated amp did that. What component(s) should I consider (besides tube rolling which I've not yet tried) for adjusting tone? Should I consider another DAC? An equalizer of some kind? Forget about the Port? Any and all suggestions are welcome!


You can certainly try an equalizer, which may give you what you want. I started with a Sonos Connect and added a DAC and eventually replaced the Sonos as well. The Port is probably better than the Connect, but my eyes were opened pretty wide when I replaced the Connect. It may depend on how resolving your system is, but an upgrade might give you the sound you are seeking.