Preamp advice

Hi, I am quite new to this hobby.

I currently have a MC 275 mark 6, running with Klipsch La scalas and Sansui AU9900 as preamp. I know the MC tube  preamps are a dream machine to pair with the MC 275 but i need recommendations on any other non MC solid/ tube preamps which can be used with my setup.

Always grateful for your recomendations.

Thank you


This thread might be helpful on matching preamp and amps.

I'm also trying to sort this out.   If you have amps with an input sensitivity of 2.15 Vrms, and a preamp with maximum output of 22 Vrms, would this not be a good match because you can only take use the first 2.15 Vrns from the preamp, and this would reduce your signal to noise ratio?    So in this case, a low gain preamp would be a better mach to this 2.15 Vrms amp?


Just a comment from my experience. I have never considered anything but sound quality in choosing preamps and amps in the over fifty years I have pursued high end audio. In that time and more than a dozen preamps and more than a dozen amps never had an electrical mismatch of any kind.

@ vthokie83,

What else steered you away from the BAT VK-80 to the Mother Lode? I was just looking into the BAT very recently, as well as the VAC Renaissance MK V. Both very fine pre amps. I was surprised to see RCA's on the BAT, I thought they were XLR only.