ARC LS25MkII, LS5MkIII so you can get your balanced connection and ARC offers excellent service and tube assistance so you don't spend more time with your gear down versus listening
Pass X-1 old cosmetics
Pass P preamp
Based on your ARC CD1 I wouldn't do the McCormack or any passive as the output voltage is low... I would also do a Placette over the McCormack any day, especially an used Active Placette (Single ended only)
The ARC SP16 is a nice unit also, as one of my friends has it, but no balanced.
If you could stretch you budget $3,000 then the Rowland Syngergy IIi is an incredible preamp with seperate power supply. Running it off of batteries makes it a giant killer and saves you the cost of upgrading power cables!
Pass X-1 old cosmetics
Pass P preamp
Based on your ARC CD1 I wouldn't do the McCormack or any passive as the output voltage is low... I would also do a Placette over the McCormack any day, especially an used Active Placette (Single ended only)
The ARC SP16 is a nice unit also, as one of my friends has it, but no balanced.
If you could stretch you budget $3,000 then the Rowland Syngergy IIi is an incredible preamp with seperate power supply. Running it off of batteries makes it a giant killer and saves you the cost of upgrading power cables!