Dnlyko- Increasing the storage capacitance can have a very positive effect. However, quality is of more importance than quantity once you've reached a design minimum of storage. Also, simply increasing the quantity without considering the rest of the power supply circuit and physical layout, may yield no benefits, or worse, damage the rectifier from overcurrent at turn-on.
Also, the greater gains will likely come from improved caps after the regulators which are closer to the audio circuits. The main a/c filter bank is important, but doubling, tripling, or quadrupling the size of the main bank alone may not bring about the improvements you desire. The power supply needs to be examined as a whole.
I'm not trying to impede your interest in DIY projects. In fact, I wish more enthusiasts would consider 'getting into' their components. But look into some of the more DIY websites and pick up a good source book on power supply design. They usually offer a relatively simple explanation to understanding the basics as well as getting into the math behind the scenes, and may help you avoid a 'magic smoke' experience. Follow your curiousity and interest. Enjoy the electronics that best serve the music.
Also, the greater gains will likely come from improved caps after the regulators which are closer to the audio circuits. The main a/c filter bank is important, but doubling, tripling, or quadrupling the size of the main bank alone may not bring about the improvements you desire. The power supply needs to be examined as a whole.
I'm not trying to impede your interest in DIY projects. In fact, I wish more enthusiasts would consider 'getting into' their components. But look into some of the more DIY websites and pick up a good source book on power supply design. They usually offer a relatively simple explanation to understanding the basics as well as getting into the math behind the scenes, and may help you avoid a 'magic smoke' experience. Follow your curiousity and interest. Enjoy the electronics that best serve the music.