pre-amp opinions

Sorry for the redundancy, I realize there are already a number of similar threads, however I'm in the process of switching from a ss pre to tube to specifically power AR REF 300MKII amps and was wondering if anybody has been up this mountain before. I'm awaiting a AR REF 2 MKII to audition, and know that is the recomendation of arc-heads, but I'm also considering others and am open to suggestions.I need balanced and se. Thoughts are appreciated.
Hi Mes, I am an ARC enthusiast so I think the Ref 2 MkII will work perfectly, but ultimately you should take some cd's to your ARC dealer and give the Ref 2 Mk II a listen for yourself, some like ARC and some don't, but most people who know will tell you that their preamps and power amps work synergistically together. But for your system, the direction the 300's took you in that you like will be enhanced in the same way but with evem more magnitude when you do the preamp. Have fun and trust your own ears more than all our opinions, your system synergy and room iteractions are important factors that we dont have information on yet, as well as the fact that we all hear into the music differently and have different priorities in the presentation we want from our system. Let us know how your listening goes. Have fun.
Must audition, the New Kid on the Block, blows em all away
hasn't premiered yet, But I'll listened, extensively & amongst the Best of Company, its simply fastanstic in every aspect: Emmeline RS1A Linestage Tube PreAmp with Regulated Remote P/S Can email you Photo & details if intested
Hello Mes, If you get a chance listen to the BAT50se. If I'm not mistaken, I believe you have the same speakers as me. (Eidolons) I'm currently running mine with the 50se and a pair of BAT VK60 mono-blocks. I hope to upgrade to the VK150se mono- blocks someday. Good luck, Tom