Prana Distribution

Prana Distribution LLC located in Cambridge, MA...

Have you heard about them ? Do you have any references ? (good / bad)

I'm asking because a recent deal with them hasn't gone very well... 



You moniker is misleading.

Your turntable is not an idler drive.

An idler turntable is when you have an idler wheel between the motor pulley and platter ( hence the name "idler" ).

According to your diagram on your website the Sempersonus drives the platter directly off the motor, the urethane wheel is the pulley.  This a rim drive turntable, albeit the inside rim of the platter.


Where is the idler wheel?

Edit: Just noticed that Dover posed the same question earlier.

Yes, not an idler wheel in sight ! But there’s no misleading blurb in the website:


motion is supplied by a BLDC motor, epicyclically driving the aluminum platter through an urethane drive wheel


  • Epicyclic drive

What I set out to do was to imagine what an idler could be like today, freed from the limitations of 60 years ago.

And today you don’t really need an idler. Now you can get a motor to run at 150rpm, smoothly, silently, cheaply enough and you can switch speeds electronically.

In the 60’s you couldn’t have that (at least in a consumer product), hence the need for an idler wheel and the added mechanical complexity.



And today you don’t really need an idler. Now you can get a motor to run at 150rpm, smoothly, silently, cheaply enough and you can switch speeds electronically.


You obviously have no idea how idler turntables work.

The pulley size determines the speed of the platter - the idler wheels are just a transfer function - you can run any size idler wheel and the speed doesn't change.

The idler wheel really is a low pass filter to reduce noise transfer from motor to platter. It has nothing to do with motor speed or platter speed.

I'm staggered at your lack of knowledge.