Well I would never buy a Semper Sonus.
Why would anyone want a turntable that whenever there is an issue the manufacturer goes on a public forum to cast aspersions - airing his dirty laundry in public so to speak.
Best to avoid issues like this - buy a different turntable - plenty out there without the aggro.
I also note that one member on this forum who purchased this turntable had multiple build quality issues and ultimately sent it back -
All was well–the table sounded great (long REVIEW if you are interested). Except it wasn’t–there were a few lingering fit and finish issues which were not successfully resolved, all a byproduct of the pandemic and the harsh realities of global shipping, and they were bugging me. As an “early adopter” I anticipated a few bugs would need to be ironed out but despite lots of time, effort and good will on all sides, the problems remained. The TE-2 sounded great, but ultimately Paulo and I agreed that the table should go back to Portugal for replacement and upgrade of some key parts and then on to another client for further evaluation.