Powerful Tube Amp for SF Strads?

I am looking for recommendations for a powerful tube amp for my Strads. A powerful tube amp which truly excels at palpability, musicality but also has very good bass control (though bass control is not as 'mission critical' to me as palpability).

My current amp (see below) sounds great to my ears!...but runs out of steam much too soon.

My system today:

Zanden 5000S DAC
CJ Act 2
CJ MV60 (EL 34 tube)
SF Strads (4ohms, 92db sensitivity though impedence does dip to 2.5ohms)
Velodyne DD-18 (run in parallel)
Transparent Ref/Ref XL cabling throughout
Purist Audio Dominus PC

In addition to recommendations, any thoughts are welcome on Wavac, Audio Note, Zanden, VTL, CJ LP275...or monoblocking MV60 (EL34)? Thanks!

Hi Microstrip

Thanks for your advice. I will upgrade to Act 2.2 at some point. I have recommended to audition the Gryphon Antileon Signature.

Though SS, it is 150wpc pure Class A, and apparently "ends the discussion" about tube v solid state. I am starting to consider select SS models now having spoken with many people about certain SS makes.
Lloydelee...I have two Cary V12 tube mono's I'll let go for $4500 if interested...David
Have had my Strads for about four or so years and used them with a LAMM L2 Reference/ML2s from the outset, but about 18 months ago I really felt that ultimately this was not the best match in my medium sized listening room.

I also have a pair of McIntosh 275IV's (with LAMM LL2 DeLuxe Pre) and a pair of Audiovalve Baldur 70's (with Eclipse Pre) - both these more high powered alternatives are excellent with the Strads as well......but the Unison Research Reference Preamp and Monoblocs wth Strads are to me simply something else.

The URR has never been mentioned on Audiogon other than by me prior to my receiving my units (one lone reply from a dealer!!). They are really worth checking out if you are seeking a new tube amp for your Strads.

Perhaps this follows the fact that they have only been reviewed in Italian and German publications, with just the one in Hi Fi Choice (The Collection 2007).
Hi Downunder,

I have not gotten anything yet. In fact, I still am waiting to hear Bernings...now must wait til end of Jan. Expect to listen to Gryphons and CJ just after the new year...hard to get auditions in London sometimes! Plus, the global mkts have made work very busy...a good thing though tough.

Did u audition the lpm275 monos?
If so, how were they?

SMP - got your email. Sounds interesting. Will email u back. Thanks!!!
I currently have Maggie 3.6's which have a sensitivity of 88db's and 5 ohms with Manley Neo Classic 250 Mono's
Thanks, Downunder. Cannot wait! i too may hear in mid to late Jan. Wavacs, Gryphons, LP275s are on the top of the list at the moment. Bernings are also still a possibility.
When I read the hifi+ revfiew, the Bernings would not be to my taste. Too lean and mean vs the warmer more robust sounding cj LP275's. At least what Gregory said.

The Gryphons will be interesting - I have heard the cheaper Encore - good bass, treble too SS. I assume the Class A modles wil have more liquidity

Hi Lloydelee21

I use the Berning Quadrature Z to run my Avalon ISIS, Amazing that's all I can say. They are by fare the best PowerAmps I have heard, and I have been around ;-)

Br, JK
I have owned the Lamm ML1.1 dual mono 90W amps for the last 2 months and they have been by far the best amps I have owned. My most recent were Wavelength SET amps (Rest of my system is Wadia 861, Wilson Watt 7, Shunyata Hydra8/Python, Harmonic Tech cables). I also went back and forth between SS and tube amps. I have always wanted to go with solid state due to less maint/worry over tubes, but have come back to tubes as the best sound. In the past I have owned some of the better if not best solid state amps from Ayre, Rowland and Krell and also had CJ MV50s a while back. My current Lamm amps have been a revelation in terms of detail retreival without the stidency and more etched/sterile sound of SS amps. microdynamics and transparency/ability to present a clear view into the music. As good as the SS amps have gotten, heard most recently Spectral Mono amps, which are argueably the best or near best SS amp, the best tube amps offer a sound much closer the sound of live music played. Not sure if 90 watts is enough for your system but if you can swing the cost of the Lamm amps, they may be the "last" amp purchase.
Thanks Kejser and Rawawjakaj. At the moment, Gryphon, Wavac are high on my list. So are Lamm and Berning. I need to find a place in London, UK that actually carries Lamm. Should be auditioning this month! thanks again and happy new year.

"SF Strads (4ohms, 92db sensitivity though impedence does dip to 2.5ohms)"

FWIW, I think a tube amp on a speaker with a dip to 2.5 ohms will have some shortcomings. Personally, I would want at least 300 watts of power, with the ability to double into higher impedences.

Not saying that you might find a worthy tube amp. It's going to be a challenge, though.
Have lived with the Strads for more than 2yrs. During which time amps used were alternating between my Jadis JA200, ARC REF600mkIII and FM Acoustics 611 (with either ARC REF3 or VTL REF7.5).

Did not post sooner because because you initially seem to be going for tube varieties as tittle of thread suggest, and whereas best result I got was with the SS FMA.

Now that you have opened up to SS (ie.Gryphon), I would heartily recommend you put FMAs in your 'must' audition list too. And if by any chance you ended up investing your money in them, I believe most likely they will also be the last amp you will ever want to own--SS or tubes.

However a thing of concern is that your CJ ACTII has not got any balanced out--am I right? The FMA amps got only balanced-in unfortunately.
Hi Rtn1 and Bvdiman,

Thanks. As you can see, my thinking has evolved towards Class A sound SS while still including some high powered tubes. i have heard great things about FM Acoustics, in large part due to the many A'philes who have praised them on this site. Yes, the CJ is RCA only...Gryphon provides their own adaptors into their balanced inputs. I will try to find a place to hear FMA's if i can...expensive, but so is Gryphon, Lamm, Wavac... perhaps second-hand/demo which is what this website is all about.

Given how many tubes one needs to have (and to replace!) for 300watt tubes, and given that i have a tube DAC and tube pre, i am starting to lean towards SS. i just have to audition carefully myself and decide. thanks for the advice!
Another thing, try to avoid mixing and matching (pre-amp/amp) from various brands whenever possible. As I have found from lengthy trial, REF3 to best compliment the REF600mkIII, and so does the FMA to fully come into their own only when mated with their respective pre-amp (and cabling too!).

Somehow by doing this, I found the sound of each to be more rightly balanced (coherent and linear) top to bottom (synergy?). Thus, if you like your current sound, I would rather you look into upgrading from one of CJ's own stable. Unless of course you have a longer term plan of switching the pre as well eventually. Just my two cents.. Good luck.
Hi Bvdiman

I would somewhat agree that using the same brand pre and power does and should have a synergy that makes them sound like tea and biscuits.
the reality is that we are all looking for "our" sense of what we believe is the illusion of music. Some amp manufacturers do not make as good pre amps and visa versa.

If the amp or pre amp is designed correctly it should be able to interface with a large majority of systems and sound great - some more so of course.

I think this is why Krell has a lot more respect for amplifiers than their pre amps and having both maybe too much of a good/bad thing.
I used to own FMA 122 phono stage and it was great, however overall it was somewhat unforgiving and dry sounding. Couple that with a pre and power from FMA I am not sure if it would go too far in that direction - maybe not.

I guess that is why a LOT of audioiphiles couple SS amps with tube pre's, so they can get the so called best of both worlds. I have yet to hear a SS amp that I can personally live with, but that is me.

anyway, it is all good fun
Hi Downunder,
Yeah, I guess that is why there's that classic saying "many ways to Rome"??.. Well everyone's got their own/preffered cup of tea. I've tried lots, and this is where I'm at. And so have you I'm pretty sure. So to me, forums like these are basically just plain good ol' fun and genuine sharing..

Incidentally, I happened to be living in Sydney and started this undying hobby there! Still remembered started my first real system in '82. Bought my CLS from Seeto in Drumoyne, a Krell KSA80 from Len Wallis, and VTL Ultimate (first one imported to the country) from Joe (Audio Connection). Those guys were more/less my mentors, and as you see, they taught me that thing of having the best of both worlds right from the very beginning!! Great guys, hope they're still around? Missed Sydney too..

Re: FMA 122 Phono, 16yrs ago I came to a somewhat similar conclusion to yours with their FM266 pre. It was originally meant to be partnered with my 611 but ended up with some other tube pre at the time. Only to realize yeaaaaars later that it was actually the shortcomings of early premature digital gears that those FMA pre let through 'much more faithfully'. But then again back then, it's nice to have some cushions somewhere to soften my landing ..no ..make it hearing.. =) Cheers!

Seeto is long gone - about 10 years ago at least. Len Wallis is still going strong - more home theatre I would believe than high end.
Joe is probably the No1 hi end dealer/importer in Australia these days. Joe has got lots of $$$ from me, including the thread mentioned Strad's and my mac amps.

Hi Downunder,
That's nice to know! I too, until Ieaving Sydney, bought most stuffs from him.. He got me started with some 2nd hand ARCs--SP8, SP10mkII, D115, then the 'new' VTLs--Ultimate pre, 100, 225, 300 amps. Also ML, Energy and MGIIIa speakers, and oh, his Cardas (still) Hexlink cables! Yeaah.. he should remember me being one of his earlier customer, and also one who forever likes to experiment/buy new gears back then.

Joe used to frequent my old home in Longueville and a friend's in Maroubra in his beaten up van, full of newly imported stuffs to do demos regularly. One man show--very vigorous, hard working and helpful, sure deserving his hard earned success today! If you talk to him, please send him my regards--thanks! Do you have his e-mail? Must have been like 20yrs since I've last seen him..
Lloyd - what is the latest in the amp serach ??

I saw in the flesh the Gryphon Colosseum and it was gorgeous!!

perfect match for my Strad's, aesthetically at least - same slim Strad shape

trying to get to listen to it next week at home if the dealer wil come around. not sure if it will satisfy my liquid tubes needs in the mids and upper frequencies

Hi Downunder!

Great to hear from you!...cannot wait to hear your impressions of the great Gryphon.

I have spoken with Schorly, Mihalis both of whom I know personally, and also a major hifi store owner here in London with whom I've bought most of my system. Independently, they seem to agree. Colosseum is cleaner, more transparent...Antileon is darker, perhaps warmer. I am considering an even older model which is rumored to even be a tad warmer/darker. Everyone has loved the Antileon and I am leaning towards it.

Because I have Zanden DAC and CJ Act 2 pre, the more I listen to SS vs Tube, the more I realize that my 50watt CJ is not controlling my Strads nor giving me the dynamic range these speakers are capable of. Though I did not like the Krell Evo 402 mid or upper, I realized how much power/dynamics these speakers can deliver.

I have a lot of warmth from DAC and pre...so while I could look to Wavac or Unison Research or ARC Ref 210, I am going to go SS but Class A SS...Gryphon, trying to hear Vitus. Please post your 'review'!!! Lloyd
Lloyd. I like darker/warmer better than cleaner, more transparent so you are making me lean much more towards Antileon.

You can still buy the Antileon in the Gryphon range ?
Hi Downunder,

I would be very surprised if our respective tastes in sound quality were not quite similar. Each of our entire systems share a very similar lineage/DNA. No surprise, I am inclined to agree with your statement above...though auditioning is of course the only way to know for sure. Mihalis favors a cleaner sound than I do...he is full Gryphon set-up.

Yes, I am under the impression that the Antileon Signature is still available. I spoke with Gryphon in Denmark. Basically, in 95 Gryphon came out with the DM100...100-watt Class A, dual mono 200lb amp...same chassis as today's Antileon Sig...the second generation of this amp was called the Antileon...also 100-class A. Then came the Antileon Signature...150-watt Class A...300 into 4ohm...600 into 2ohm...1200 into 1ohm, 2400 into 0.5ohm and peak 5000 into 0.5 ohm. Whew!
I was told by friend who auditioned Antileon Sig with Strads (and whose favorite amps for strads til then was Tenor/Wavac) that Antileon Sigs with Strads were 'bar none' the best sound he has ever heard. Period. He said it hit all the marks...warmth, speed, real life soundstage, power...iron fist in velvet glove...etc. Let me know what you hear for yourself! Would appreciate hearing your opinion as always!
Oh, BTW...you want to go to Ultra Audio website...Jeff Fritz reviewed the Antileon Signature back in '04 when it first came out...he used terms like "colors/tonality"...'tube mids/uppers and SS bass'...note in future reviews of other amps, he also looked back on the Antileon Signature saying 'it had an analog sound I missed when it was gone...". Hope that helps!
I have just spent a great week living with the Gryphon Colosseum. This is easily the best SS amplifier I have ever heard and light years ahead of the next expensive Levinson 33H's I heard a while back. I guess real class A is where the musical action is for SS.

The Colo will never sound strident or stressed and top to bottom coherence is spooky smooth with no real frequency bumps to enhance short term listening and longer term fatigue.

The music seems to almost float on a magic carpet of air. Bass, expecially bass guitar is exceptional with little or no unrealistic bass tightening when you wick up the volume - bass just grows with the music, but with better control, dymanics and depth vs tubes.

The midrange and treble is exceptionally clear and free of any of the usual ss artifacts, so pure is the transparency. Compared to my Mac tube amps the midrange is just a bit more forward, so lead instruments are a bit forward. My tube amps are quite relaxed and just behind the speakers in comparison.

Lloyd, the 31.5db gain in the Gryphon is just about the only issue that you may have, given the cj has a large amount of gain. It was Ok with my phono stage, however with cd, not much volume to play with.
My dealer and Gryphon says the Gryphon will sound a lot better balanced - he may be right there, but it may be more unforgiving compared to my cj ART - the old doubled edged sword.

The Colosseum certainly responds to higher bandwidth cables. They greatly preferred the extra extension at both ends of the transparent XL MM ref compared to the Kimber select 3033. They also luved teh expensive Gryphon power cable - go figure no short cuts at this level. The Colosseum does have fan, but is so well designed you don't really hear it - my room is very quiet so I do hear some air pushing when I am changing records.

Me, I cannot afford the Collseum and matching pre amp the Mirage so not sure how much I am missing. I will have a listen to the Antileon signature, which is supposed to be a little more tubey compared to the Colosseum. If I like that I might be able to stretch to listen to a Gryphon pre for full balanced sound.

Overall anyone wanting a reference amplifier look no further than the Gryphon Colosseum.
Wow...thanks Downunder...now that's you, Mihalis, Schorly, and two audio stores who don't even sell Gryphon)-- all of whom i respect who all concur that Gryphon Class A SS is unbelievable, even for those who love tubes.

Will be interesting to hear your views on the Antileon. For me, i do not intend to go to the Colosseum level.

In addition to Antileon being more than great enuf for me, i also suspect any changes in the speakers are probably going to trend slightly towards the accurate end...even with tubes in the DAC and Pre, i still prefer to have a slightly darker amp to give me that ability to change speakers to something like used Grand Slamm.

thanks again for great review!
Hi Downunder,
An excellent summary, as written, the Colosseum seems like a true contender. As for the suggestion from your dealer for them to sounding much better balanced, (read between lines) seems to me more like a hint that when used with Gryphon's own pre-amp (in balanced mode of course), the synergy to unleash the amp to fullest potential can be further realized, rather than mere suggestion in context of interconnection type there? Anyway, please do keep us posted on your impressions of the Antileon, and whether or not ultimately you think Colosseum are worth their price difference.
Finally a word of thanks to you, I have just received an e-mail from my long lost friend JR.
Hi Downunder,

I am scheduled to audition Gryphon Antileon Signature and DM100 next Saturday. I have spoken with dealer who is familiar with all 3 (incl Colosseum). DM100 and Antileon Signature are supposedly very close (one A'goner who owns Signature also agreed).
Colosseum is apparently next generation..."Cleaner" according to Mihalis ("less dark") and also according to Gryphon Denmark. Overall, consensus appears to be Gryphon family sound is consistent...hugely powerful and analog. Good luck! Will post once I've heard.

Auditioned the CJ350 today...just to be thorough. Very powerful, impressive dynamic range but does not force its power thru the music...delicate passages just get louder while maintaining their delicacy. The music takes on more brilliance in its volume/dynamics as you crank the volume.

The bass notes (when called for) are very deep and the ability for the amp to maintain sustained and controlled power in those super-low registers is impressive.

The upper and mids were extremely well delineated and soundstaging quite open...but ultimately I missed the fullness of tubes. e.g., Things like handclaps were accurate (but it was that last 10%-15% of fullness that makes u feel like someone is in the room clapping) which was missing. And I really enjoy that fullness from great tubes.

Shane - I concur with your advice on CJ 350...and look forward to auditioning Gryphons next week.
I understand you. But you are in trouble ... Gryphons is fantastic gear but does not have the fullness of tubes in my opinion. There is a way of making the premier 350 much fuller and more tube like - using the ART preamplifier, unhappily very expensive and nowadays difficult to get.
BTW, I only owned an ART series 2, never listened to a series 3.
Thanks Microstrip! Appreciate the warning! I am set up for the audition anyway, so it will be a good education for me. I am hopeful DM100 will be for me as I'm told its darker, more tube-like. We'll see! Will post!

Microstrip - I owned the cj prem 350 and I own the ART, even then it does not have the mids and upper frequency finese and roundness.

Lloyd, try not to have my comments at all sway you one way or the other - but very interested in your view's.

Anyway, back to Gryphon part 2. Please note that I have not used a fully balanced pre amp, let alone one of Gryphon's. The ART is SE and the Mac c2300 has balanced outputs but is not fully balanced, however IMO both these pre amps will be more forgiving that the Gryphon pre amps if not as potentially synergistic.

I have had the Antileon sig for 6 days now, and ran the unit in for 72 hours before listening.

The good and bad news. The Antileon does indeed sound more tubelike in comparison to the Colsseum, being not as transparent, a little darker sounding and not as quick. IMO it does not sound much like a great tube amp either. It sounds like a great SS amp.

The difference between my 2xMC2102's are that the tube amps present music as more of a whole, whereas the Antileon disects the stage more and has less back to front depth. The more you rurned up the volume, the more LOUD and fatiging cymbal crashes or lead guitar's were. It was not as if you could not hear them with the tube amps, you can, but the tube amps went loud in a more liquid, relaxed graceful manner

For me the Antileon is a great SS amp, but it is not a tube amp and does not really sound like one. It has tubelike qualities but is still SS. I have also heard tube amps where the designers have tried to make them sound SS and failed miserably IMO - eg ASL Hurricanes, ARC VM200's, cj 140's or VTL S400.

I still clasify the Gryphon Colosseum a fantastic amplifer and quite a lot better than the Antileon and EVERY other SS I have heard. It floats in air like no other SS amp, which is very musically kool.

I can see why some folks prefer SS over tubes - but for me the tonal weight, more relaxed liquid sound, bigger soundstage and overall easier to listen to qualities I guess makes me a tube man.

BTW, I run a REL StentorIII subwoofer connected at around 25hz and that certainly makes up for any lack of tube amp bass slam that I would normally be missing. In fact I find the sub an essential part of my musical enjoyment.

At this point I will just enjoy my McItosh 2xMC2102's, however I do have one other vintage amp trick up my sleeve that I might try.


Thanks, Downunder! I really appreciate your candor and respect your insights. Funny - I have Velodyne DD18 in parallel with my Strads...once again our tastes and systems seem to run a parallel path.

I will let you know my own thoughts on the DM100 next week.

Separately, did you ever hear the CJ LP 275? I recall you were thinking about it. I love my little CJ MV60....maybe I just get another one and monoblock? Thoughts?
No Lloyd, I did not get to listen to the LP 275. Frankly due to the dealer not being able to offer any trade in, I am not able to afford the luxury. I am not even sure he has one.

I am sure monoblocking the MV60 will definately be better, only use can decide if 120watts is powerful enough for your room - I would think so thou - especially since the bottom end is argumented by the sub's.

Have had the Stradivari for some year and partnered it with some very different amps. i have a very large listening room. the best all round partnering obviously was with the Accuphase P7100. beeing fairly high in sensitivity ( 92 or even 93dB) it comes to mind it can be partnered with any good an nice tubeamp. well to really get the performance i would choose great SS anytime.
it's all in the match.
the claim that 'this SS sounds like tubes' is to my experience hoped for but never achieved.
what does happen indeed is that both camps come closer still to the ultimate goal. and that is good news.
I would prefer the Lamm 1.2 Ref. to any tube amp with this kind of speaker.
Have actually partnered my Stradivari at that time with Lamm M1.2Ref for a longer period. although a nice combination as for sound and an 'easy' on the ear musical experience, after the Accuphase P7100 match the Lamm hybrid was soon forgotten and parked in our memories as NOT the match with Stradivari.
id rather think of Accuphase, Gryphon, FMA, Boulder, Soulution, Krell, Ayre.
ymmv :-)
Thanks Tuboo. I agree with your comments about SS v Tubes...ultimately we are looking for what we feel is "real music" (not SS or Tube), and i also agree that the best of each technology do trend towards that singular goal. Beyond that, the ultimate way of getting there is different for each person.

To all those who have been so helpful in their advice: i have not formally committed yet to anything...but expect to do so quite soon fingers crossed. Just working out the details. Fingers crossed! Will post if and when done.
there are very enthusiast reports on Stradivari and Soulution as a match made in heaven. think i read these at the Greek ACA website where many show attendants reviewed this combination as absolutely stellar. and that in the light of show conditions.
if i still had Stradivari i would have no doubt as for amps: they would be SS and could be chosen for personal liking due to character. we might likely agree that the Boulders are bit different than the Vitus amps.
Hi Tuboo, Downunder and all the many great A'Goners out there who have contributed to this particular forum. After reading, speaking, auditioning a number of great products, I have gone for the Gryphon Antileon. It arrived yesterday and is delivered tomorrow! I am considering matching it with a PAD Dominus PC but will start with the stock cable for now..

Having listened carefully to many great systems and remembering what happened when I replaced my CJ PV14L with the CJ Act2, I realized that there are a number of qualities which the Gryphon delivers that I think will bring me closer to 'where my ear is taking me'. It will be nice to hear my system with the Gryphon for a much longer period than a brief audition...to really understand how my system has changed. Cannot wait! And it's a long weekend!!

Thanks again for all the great advice. Will report in!!

Don't try to lift the Antileon alone!! they are very heavy.

congrat's on your choice.

As a wise man once said -

"There is no best, only best for you "

enjoy and let us know your longer term thoughts, ie do you still need the subs after you have dialled teh system in etc.

The Gryphon Antileon (signature) as i have experienced and as reviewed by others may very well be the best product of Mr Rasmussen.
personally i do not like the Gryphon preamps very much.
but i know from Antileon owners that with the right speakers and powercords it is one of those amps to die for and inhibits the magic factor.
congrats on your choice, and pls report your findings :-)

that is: if you can find time to withdraw from the music..

pls repeat the mantra with us:
'It's all in the match'
I know were are talking about absolute "reference" level speakers and components here, but I'm surprised that with this many suggestions and responses so far, no one has recommended simply trying Paul Speltz Zero Autoformers to increase the impedance seen by Llyod's amplifiers.

They can be used to double, or even quadruple, the load seen by the amplifiers. As a result, amps that "run out of steam" may often handle previously impossible speakers without breaking a sweat. In many, many, systems, insertion of the Zeros not only remove the impedance issue, they are undetectable from a sonic standpoint. Give the FAQ a read.

Not saying they are guaranteed to work in every situation, or even this particular one, but for $450 in the naked version and $950 in the boxed, it is a far cheaper, and easier, experiment than all the fantastic amps being suggested. And even high-powered tube or solid state amps can still benefit from seeing a higher impedance.

I know this sounds like an ad, but I haze no connection to the company, professional, financial, or otherwise. Just passing on a little suggestion from the world of high-efficiency speakers/low-power SET amps and OTL amps.
Hi Darkmoebius. Thanks for your thoughts! I do not know this product and will look into it. I know that Musical Fidelity has their superchargers which sound like they do the same thing but "supercharging" amps. I do not know the technology but I did see at least two reviews which were both a little mixed on the success. (Basically, more grunt and volume...but a loss of the refinement from the original amp standalone). Your recommendation may well be better solution. Thanks again.

What power cords are your Antileon owning friends using? I have read PAD Dominus Ferox which is my goal. I think Gryphon use Siltech? Someone else recommended Transparent Ref PCs...I do love their reference speaker and interconnects which run throughout my system. Thanks for your advice!! Lloyd
Hi Lloyd,

Zero's are nothing more than impedance matching transformers(actually autoformers - just a primary instead of the primary & secondary in transformers). They serve exactly the same function as output transformers in tube power amplifiers, which are used to match the impedance of the output stage to the speakers.

Paul Speltz seems like a great guy from his postings and is extremely proud and confidant of his product. It probably wouldn't be difficult to get a trial out of him. He also can wind custom Zeros for specific situations,if I remember correctly. Although, yours is a fairly basic one.

Of course, excess power and headroom are always a good thing with all speakers, especially medium to low efficiency ones. So, in the end, you may need 100-300+ watts to fully realize the potential of your Strads on dynamic passages. Even then, though, the Zeros would help.
the Dominus in itself is a great PC but the next level Anniversary easily betters it. if you crave for speed and resolution i would however not pick Purist cables as first choice.
the SF speakers benefit greatly from Fast-Authorative- Speed and Resolution amps and cables. remember it is all in the match :-) i would first settle in with your Dominus, take your time and eventually try another PC.

the Speltz autoformers are a solution to a problem for sure.
personally i see no reason to go OTL first and put in Speltz Autoformers later because of bad speaker impedance.
why not choose 'good' speakers first?
i don't say the Autoformers don't work or don't sound good.
but to me it's like towing a caravan behind a sportscar and using slick tires still. well something like that.

i think high wattage as per definition is not a sign of a 'good' amplifier. and you don't need 300 watts to drive the 93 dB Stradivari.
you rather need 50 superb watts. the first few watts count most.
high wattage may be a sign of capacity but it says nothing about quality of powersupply nor authority.
big & heavy amps says nothing about authority and control too.
as a great example the little Cello Encore 50 amplifiers look like little sigar boxes and weigh nothing. i would dare to say these are more powerful sounding then many many amplifiers be it 300 or even 1000 watts.
the 'little' FM 111 monoamps would apply very nicely too.
or the 'little' Boulder 800 series. these amps would get any SF speaker on their knees :-)
don't let specs and size or even marketing 'the bigger the better' mislead. it may account for in many cases but not per definition.

now the big Gryphon is big and heavy for intrinsic reasons. it is one of the few true class A amps out there and this means big heatsinks and so acres of heat dissipation alloy. pure Class A rules be it SS or tubes.
once again congratulations on your Gryphon and Stradivari match and looking forward to read your experiences on Gon.
Thanks, Tuboo! I learn every time i read your posts. As for dominus ferox, if you have specific recommendations on other PCs i should consider, please let me know. I am thinking transparent reference, possibly Gryphon's own VIP or Siltech. Your thoughts/recommendations are most welcome!
personally i see no reason to go OTL first and put in Speltz Autoformers later because of bad speaker impedance. why not choose 'good' speakers first?
Agreed, but sometimes a person is already heavily invested in their speakers(emotionally or financially) and the Zeros are a low cost(& effort) way to seem if a particular amp will work to their satisfaction.

In Lloyd's case, his system wasn't designed around removing output transformers(OTL), so the philosophical transgression of adding an autoformer isn't as big a factor.