@oddiofyl I use new Tung Sol 7581A in my EICO monoblocs. Awesome. Great bass and clear clean highs. Search for my post on these in another thread.
Power Tubes Quicksilver Mid Mino
Just picked up a up Quicksilver Mid Mono along with 6 Mullard XF1 EL34’s. The tubestest surprisingly strong, but I want to extend thier life as long as possible and also try a different Tube Type. Any comments on the Gold Lion KT77 or KT66’s in the mid monos? I’m using a fairly efficient pair of Audio Note AN/Es, so I don’t think I need KT88’s or KT120’s. I’m running my exogal DAC striaghf into the amps. Great combo. Haven’t felt the need for an active pre. Thanks.