Power regenerator vs conditioner

If the goal is to improve the sound quality (soundstage, detail, dynamics, etc) and the issue is "noisy" AC, it would seem to me that a power regenerator such as PS Audio P15 would be far superior to a "conditioner" such as a Shunyata Denali or Hydra or Triton.  Is this correct?  Thanks .
I tried many over the past 15 years and I landed on a newer designed PS Audio regenerator P-12 for my front-end gear and it is the best sounding one I’ve heard from any passive, isolation transformer design like the Furman Reference 20i which I liked a lot. Better than many branded audiophile ones with great marketing. The PS audio allows the music to flow, black background, more body and depth of field as well as imaging. It does what they claim it does, in fact when I run the vacuum on the same line as the PS Audio the meter goes way, way up on incoming noise and distortion at the very top of the range, but the regenerated AC shows only 0.1% distortion with the improvement meter, which shows almost 75 times improvement, I turn off the vacuum and the meters drop back down to 2.5% distortion in, 0.1% out. Voltage in 123 volts most days out a rock-solid 120 volts out.  This unit does as it claims and you can easily hear it. 

I learned more in 5 minutes reading your reply than in 5 years
of reading reviews. Thanks!! 

Now who has tried the Shunyata Everest???
JRW - 

I agree with chorus that your response was excellent and very useful. Thank you - sincerely - for sharing your experiences.

The one important question I have for you (so I don't repeat the mistakes others such as you have made and learned from) is could you please name some or all of these "crappier conditioners" that crush the dynamics, etc.

I have read so many times about these issues, but it seems to always be in the context of a positive review or statement about "conditioner A",  which DOESN'T screw up the current flow like others do. And I read this same thing about all of them! So, please do let me know which ones are actually crappy in your view. I will avoid them like COVID!

Thank you. 
Does Millercarbon own a PS Audio Power Plant 20 or is he relying on what he has read? I do own one and it made a huge difference in my system. I had a Niagara 5000 first and My ears liked the PP 20 better.

If you do want to read an article my I suggest  Waiting for a bypass Analog Corner by Michael Fremer April 2021 Stereophile 
Michael Fremer lost his audio system to a switch for his back up power generator.  While pending a separation of that power switch from his audio system, he installed PS Audio's power regenerator.  The result is that he got his system back.  Many audiophiles maybe suffering with bad power.  Of course, battery only power is the best source but alternatively, providing clean power to one's system may require heroic/expensive measures such as regenerators and conditioners.  

I have a pair of 125w. tube monoblocks that use a pair of 7" tall by 3" diameter electrolytic storage caps.  I'm getting huge steady power in those amps.  My EAR 890 has dinky little caps, not quite the bass power of the monoblocks but certainly adequate.   I have a separate audio power panel so that could be a reason for the excellent amp power.