Power Regeneration - PS Audio

I'm currently looking hook up my entire system thru one of a few power conditoner/regenerator products. I have an opportunity to get various PS Audio products thru my lcal dealer for a reasonable price. The P600, seems to have the capability to run my whole system at 720W output. Of course the Tri-Vista is capable of pulling up to 1200W @ max output. My question is essentially, will I ever get to 1200W? I can't imagine getting to a 1/3 of that, but would I be better off w/ the P1000 or P1200?

As you can imagine, there is a huge difference in cost!! Would I be better running all the equipment thru a P300 and leaving the amp hooked up to something like a PS Audio HO Ultimate Outlet that doesn't regenerate? I'd rather not throw money away. Unless I can hear the difference, I'm not interested. Safety can be achieved at a far lower cost.

Any feedback would be appreciated.

Showing 1 response by onhwy61

Get the P600 model (can be had used for ($1300) and experiment with running the amp thru it. It may sound better running through the P600, or it may not. I have a P600 and I run my JRDG Concentra integrated and a 112 power amp through it. Even at loud (90dB) levels the meters never go above 400 watts drawn. The PS product works wonders in my system.