Power isolator versus need for a better Power supply

I have a transparent power isolator, and a component with a Wall wart power supply.

If I plug the wall wart into the power isolator, does this precluding need to replace the wall wart for a better Power supply (ie. Ifi, etc). Doesn’t Power isolator clean things up before electricity arrives at the Wall wart?

I asked this question and didn't get a very good answer from the dealer that would be selling me a Power supply to replace the wall wart assuming I need to do it



Showing 2 responses by soix

If you have a good “power isolator,” whatever that is, not sure the refrigerator should make much difference.  What power conditioner are you using BTW?

If I plug the wall wart into the power isolator, does this precluding need to replace the wall wart for a better Power supply

Short answer, no. In addition to reducing noise a better power supply will usually improve the performance of the component over a wall wart.  An analogy might be an athlete eating a diet of healthy food versus loading up at McDonalds — one of them enhances performance, the other not so much.