Power isolator versus need for a better Power supply

I have a transparent power isolator, and a component with a Wall wart power supply.

If I plug the wall wart into the power isolator, does this precluding need to replace the wall wart for a better Power supply (ie. Ifi, etc). Doesn’t Power isolator clean things up before electricity arrives at the Wall wart?

I asked this question and didn't get a very good answer from the dealer that would be selling me a Power supply to replace the wall wart assuming I need to do it



Showing 3 responses by jumia

All wall warts are not created equally which makes sense. I have a streamer, the lumin x1, and it comes with a separate Power supply that's supposedly is quite good. 

But when it comes to a Quality switch or even a nucleus, spending 300 to $1000 or more for a power supply seems a bit crazy. All these lesser costly peripheral pieces of equipment that are touted as needing power supply improvement that will cost 300 to $2000 or even more it's pretty horrifying and likely ridiculous.  

if it really works guess i need to spend nearly $1000 to improve the quality of a switch and a nucleus.  Add this is after spending a lot of money on the power conditioner.  

The biggest improvement I can make right now is to find a refrigerator with less compressor noise.  I actually turned down the freezer temp setting and found that the compressor was cycling on and off quite a bit less.  Freezer is now 0 to 5° which is fine.  

It's a Transparent Power isolator, it is in the power conditioner family. 

Related to refrigerator compressor, I am speaking about the obvious audible noise not the electrical noise, which is on a different circuit and should not be much of a problem assuming my grounding system is OK, and it is.