Power filtering – Furutech or Puritan Audio?

The Puritan Audio PSM 156 is getting a lot of love lately, but what about old stalwarts such as the beautifully constructed Furutech e-TP80S NCF AC power filter & distributor for 2 channel audio?


I bought PSM136 a couple of weeks ago. The improvement made out of the box was striking. All gear appeared in another league. And all for just 1,320 Euro. Of course, for 10x more money I would expect a bit more.improvement. But my experience with the reputaded gear shows it is just audible improvement, but not much. To mention, all my amplifiers are for sure high-end. Enough said.

I don't have experience with either of these products, I use a Shunysta Hydra. However my best solution came after a hear that required all new feed from the city, and a new panel. I had an electrician run the first two breakers from the panel, with 10 gage solid core <20 feet to my outlets, and sink a copper grounding rod, into a dirt and rock salt pool, about 8 feet between the outlets and the ground rod and use this grounding rod only for these outlets. I use isolated ground outlets to ensure nothing comes back though the metal boxes and conduit. This solved all the problems of inconsistent power, dirty power and the frustration of never knowing what my system would sound like at different times of day. I of course live in an old house with easy access. And yes I've had electrical engineers tell me online that this is not safe, creates a different in grounding potential, etc. however my licensed electrician was happy to do it, and my set up passed inspection for code in the city of Chicago, which is know to be a bear to deal with.

Sounds like a wonderful solution for a homeowner, but alas, I live in a condo townhouse...


I had an electrician run the first two breakers from the panel, with 10 gage solid core <20 feet to my outlets, and sink a copper grounding rod, into a dirt and rock salt pool, about 8 feet between the outlets and the ground rod and use this grounding rod only for these outlets ...  And yes I've had electrical engineers tell me online that this is not safe, creates a different in grounding potential, etc. however my licensed electrician was happy to do it,

This arrangement is perfectly safe provided the outlets are also grounded to the buss bar in the service panel.

Ah yes, Audio Science Review.  The head Fred is from ‘that’ place.  I lived and worked in ‘that’ city for a dozen years.  It carries with it an imbalance of hubris.  Of course not everyone is that way, but certainly a weighted demographic.  Upon that discovery, much was answered about their misguided approach and delivery.

’That’ place is now considered by many a dumpster fire and its relevance wains.

I’ve run two of the PSM 156 for a couple of years with the City Ground and they are brilliant.  There may be better, but at what cost?  Suffice to say they work well.