Power/Current: How much is realistic?

Rebuilding my system, Just got a pair Martin Logan 13A, B212. Just looking for insight on how much power/ current
would be enough without going overboard and throwing $$ away. I know i am only driving the panels. Had a Krell fpb-300, 400cx, 350mcx driving M/L Oddessy Descent i. Should i go up to 600watt?  Looking for that last amp without spending a fortune on something i do not need. Thanks, Mike

Showing 1 response by erik_squires

You don't need that much power, but an amp with low output impedance in the treble. Unfortunately most amps rise in the treble, so this can be difficult even with high current amps.

As others have recommended, the Sanders Magtech amps are designed for electrostatic amplifiers, and have copious power.  I'd definitely consider auditioning those, especially for the right price. :)