power cords/surge protector-conditioner

New to all this, but recently bought a system and a Monster HTS 2000 power/surge conditioner. My question is whether or not power cords are needed or would make a difference or just duplicate what the HTS 2000 does? My system consists of Sim Moon I-5 integrated amp, Musical Fidelity A3cd player, and Gershman Acoustic Avante Garde speakers. I am using Analysis Plus Oval 9 speaker cable, as well as their oval interconnect. Any advice would be appreciated as I would like to optimize my system but do not want to spend the $ on power cords if there is not a need if Monster HTS 2000 does same thing. Thanks.

Showing 1 response by kiduismine

Thanks both. Dekay, do you plug the power cord into the HTS 2000 or direct to wall outlet? If the wall outlet, then whats the point of the HTS 2000?