power cords/surge protector-conditioner

New to all this, but recently bought a system and a Monster HTS 2000 power/surge conditioner. My question is whether or not power cords are needed or would make a difference or just duplicate what the HTS 2000 does? My system consists of Sim Moon I-5 integrated amp, Musical Fidelity A3cd player, and Gershman Acoustic Avante Garde speakers. I am using Analysis Plus Oval 9 speaker cable, as well as their oval interconnect. Any advice would be appreciated as I would like to optimize my system but do not want to spend the $ on power cords if there is not a need if Monster HTS 2000 does same thing. Thanks.

Showing 1 response by drrasta

For power cord info look at the cable asylum under audioasylum.com. This should get you started on DIY: http://www.audioasylum.com/audio/cables/messages/7885.html