Power Cord up to $100?

I have mono block amplifiers and was wondering if there's a power cord that's better than a stock cord for up to $100 each?

Showing 2 responses by dayglow

Opera Audio-Ella Baby. Quest For Sound discounts these so $100 a pc is possible. The sound is big/bold and dynamic. NOT as refined/relaxed as my Acoustic Revive-Reference($1250 retail) or as detailed/resolving as my Audio Magic-Liquid Air($400 retail) but are more dynamic then the AR or AM! Since your not using these on front end components their shortcomings are less of an issue. FWIW I have found mixing different power cords can achieve better results then using only 1 brand.
Yahoochaz-You have the wrong mindset. Most of us that have premium power cords don't buy for "braggin" rights(lol). Have you forgot what this hobby is all about? The power cord and cable debate has long been settled. But there are some that refuse to accept cables as another component. Power treatment, vibration control and room acoustics also get overlooked by the doubters. There is alot more to this hobby then buying a power amp with those pretty blue meters. If you refuse to accept this it's your loss.