Power cord recommendation for DAC

I'm temporarily using Shanyata Venom 3 over the stock PC of my DAC. Heard significant improvement. But would like a better source PC than Venom 3. Any recommendation? Budget is $200-300.

Showing 5 responses by kzhtoo

Thank you all for the suggestions. I will make a list and do research on every single one of them.

How about Grover Huffman? Has anyone have any experience with his PC?
Hi Soix, never thought of it that way. I always figured I just get a well-reviewed one and only return if I don't like it. Having 3-4 PC at the same time to play around sounds pretty fun. :)
JFYI Soix, I just recently bought Metrum Octave dac to replace Electrocompaniet ECD-1 (old but still in production). A pity though that I didn't have them both at the same time. Once I ordered Octave, I posted an ad here on A'gon out of boredom and it was sold 1 day later. lol But from memory, Octave (currently at 125 hour burn-in mark) with Venom3 PC is better. Somehow I didn't hear any significant difference on ECD-1 with or without Venom3.
The rest of my gears are Pass XP-10 pre, XA30.5 amp and Focal Electra. I use AppleTV (not ideal of course but I can't live without its interface for my all-in-one system) + Empirical Audio Synchro-mesh reclocker as transport. My music mostly consists of CD ripped 16/44.1 and iTunes lossless materials.

As for cables, my speaker cables are standard 12-gauge Tributaries ones (which are to be replaced with Grover Huffman, still waiting). ICs are all Nordost Heimdall XLR and single ended. Digital RCA is Grover Huffman.
Thank you guys for all the suggestions. I think I ought to make a list to try at least 3-4 PC. Today, I ordered a Grover Huffman demo Zx unit. :) Grover is recommended by Steve Hoffman in his forum.