Power cord for low-watt tube amp?

I'm about to take delivery on a 7-watt push-pull EL84 amp in full triode. Just wondering whether there are any power cords particularly well-suited for a lower-powered amp like this? What's the latest thinking on whether power cords are less important for smaller amps like this?

Showing 1 response by david12

I am sure power cords make a real and immediately audible difference. I would think though, that a good cord is a good cord, which may or may not match well with a component. I am not so convinced a cord is good for CD players power amps etc.
2 cords I use at the moment are Lessloss DPFC and the new Sablon Audio Robusto. Both are excellent, but quite different in their effect on reproduction.
In general, if you can borrow dem cords from your retailer or the cable company, or buy 2nd hand, you reduce any risk of expensive mistakes