Power Conditioners to reduce Sibilance

I moved my system into a new home and was having problems with treble brightness and sibilance. I moved the speakers around and got rid of most of my troubles. I then upgraded to a more revealing preamp with money that I saved up and the problem returned (despite sonic improvements in other areas). I have read that power conditioners are great for reducing sibilance. Is this actually the case. What would you suggest for under $500US used?

Showing 3 responses by robm321

Cable could make a difference, but it will be subtle. You will still have the brightness problem, but possibly to a lesser degree. It's kind of like using duck tape.
I would assume that your room acoustics have something to do with it. As you upgrade to more revealing equipment, sometimes the room will be more noticeable.

In my system, the power conditioner smoothed the sound out just a bit, but I don't think it will cure anything.

Like I said it's your room - you know it and I know it. You can get conditioners, DACs, etc and you will have a great system - but flutter echo and brightness will continue to destroy the sound.

I just don't want you to throw all your money away and find yourself in the same spot.