Power Conditioner for Video under $500?

Looking for PC, or Power Strip, recommendations for use with BDP, plasma, and DVR, for under $500. Using PS Audio PerfectWave AC3 power cords. Needs a minimum of 4 outlets.

Here are a few that fit the budget;

Furman - Elite 15DM i
PS Audio AV Power Center 3000

What do you think? Insight, other tweaks,... welcomed.
Sakahara, why did you get rid of the Haley? You seemed very happy with it. Just curious.
["this is a very unwise suggestion as it would completely unbalance your transformer's loading as well as increase IR voltage drop of the phase bearing the entire load burden. Never ever do this.']

Once I described my goal to my electrician he suggested isolating my audio/video supply by doing what is described above. Along with an overall amperage supply increase for a shop and pool another panel was installed as well as a dedicated sub panel for the A/V. All the work surpassed local code, was inspected and certified.

It's very possible my electricians explanation to me was in layman's terms. Regardless the results were substantial and the cost for the A/V portion were very reasonable.
IME, Richard Gray does it better than anyone else.
I have been using a pro 400 for 10 years now.

I replaced RSA Haley with the Furman Elite 15 pfi. Although not in the same realm in terms of PQ improvement, it was satisfying enough, and did as good a job, if not better, then BPT. It also did a perfect job protecting my HT system during power outages, surges,..etc.


I ended up spending more and replaced the BPT CPC with a RSA Haley. Wow. I was shocked by the improvement with picture quality. I thought the 1080p plasma/BD looked stunning before but now it's unbelievable. Even broadcast 1080i improved. Amazing what power upgrades can achieve. I'm a supporter, but I didn't expect that much of a difference with how the overall clarity, detail, color, depth, focus, and especially with the stability of the picture, changed.
have the electrician move the motor driven appliances and lighting breakers on the other leg of the breaker box
this is a very unwise suggestion as it would completely unbalance your transformer's loading as well as increase IR voltage drop of the phase bearing the entire load burden. Never ever do this.
I've chosen the BPT CPC w/ HCF-30.

House wiring/breaker-box upgrades to come when it's my house. For now, the PSA PW power cords and PC will provide enough improvement - the power cords already have on their own.
I have the RGPC 4 and 12 and both better than the Chang. I seconded the Chang due to his budget and the number of outlets.
IMO spend the money on having a couple runs of metal clad 10 gage wire with isolated ground receptacles, metal termination boxes, and dedicated 20 amp breakers. Have the electrician move the motor driven appliances and lighting breakers on the other leg of the breaker box. Putting two receptacles on each run will give you eight outlets to plug into. There's your power strip

It's so common for people to spend thousands on power conditioning without first spending $200-$400 for proper AC wiring. It can be one of the most noticeable and least expensive tweaks going.

I would not consider Monster.

Why the Chang Lightspeed? Any direct comparisons with the PC's in my list? What about RGPC 600S (used)? For the $$ the BPT CPC looks to be the best-of-the-bunch based on older reviews. I'll probably go with the HFC-30 version. I was hoping for more definitive reasons to get a specific PC for HT/video, but as is the case the only way to know what you like is to try it for yourself.
I agree with the Chang. Monsters are very low end-even the expensive ones.
Chang Lightspeed CLS3200 6-outlet model includes AC line transient protection.
right here on Audiogon here's one selling (from another member) for $200. List price $350 new. I have one at home but sorry not for sale presently.