Power cable for Transport

Hi, I was wondering if it's worthwhile to spend a few buck on a power cord on a transport since it transfer only digital data.

I was using my power cord with my Cd player, now I bought a DAC, ans now I'm using it with the DAC, so I wonder if should get a power cord for the tranport.

thank you.
I've had very good luck with the Signal Cable product. I use their Magic PC on my analog gear and the Digital Reference PC on my digital gear, including my transport. The Magic PC starts at $59 and the Digital Reference PC at $69. Excellent value and performance.
I'll check for a power cable for my transport when time come, I'm using a power cable for my DAC and AMP, It make a great difference. I'm using gutwire product.

thank you.
I have found PC on the transport always makes the biggest and best impact. PC's on components after that almost always make a difference but not necessarily for the better - just different.
I have similar experiences with those that have noticed improvements when mating the right PC with the right component.

I've found the VH audio Flavor 4 and the older Virtual Dynamics Power 3 power cord to be both very good with transports.