Power Amplifier Longevity

Hi All, 
I am venturing into the separate component world and was wondering how long a good power amp typically lasts.  I may have access to some older Lexicon CX and LX series amplifiers.  However, since they are discontinued and nearly 20 years old from what I understand, should I be concerned with how much longer they will last?  If they do need servicing, is this something that is available at a reasonable cost?  Or should I invest in newer equipment?

Budget is a concern for me which is why I am interested in these older (higher quality) amps at a reduced price versus spending the same amount on something newer, but lower quality.

At this time, I have a Marantz AV8802A and Vienna Acoustics speakers. 
Main L/R - Mozart Grand
Center - Maestro Grand
4 Surrounds - Waltz Grand

I thank you in advance for any advice provided on this subject.


Showing 1 response by inna

For your Vienna speakers and almost whatever else you might want to replace them with for moderate size room, there is Gryphon Diablo 120 integrated for sale here. Get it and forget about the age of an amp. Gryphons are built for 40 years of reliable operation under normal conditions. Sure, some break from time to time. Everything breaks from time to time. You don't need separates. Gryphon is higher level than Pass.