Power amplifier longevity… thoughts?

Since I’ve bought a pair of Magnepan LRS+ speakers, I am searching for a used power amp with enough power and current to drive them as they deserve.

Some candidates come to mind and searching the used market (Hifi Shark) some are available for sale, for example:

- Classé CA-201

- Rotel RHB-10

- Acurus A200

- Muse 160

- Parasound HCA-1200 MkII

- Ayre V-1X

The possibility of buying a top quality amp at a friendly price is very appealing, especially comparing with todays new gear prices.

But the majority have way more the 20 years and one never knows the amp history, so there always the probability of a costly repair, and even the impossibility of restoration to the original specs when no parts or the service manual are available.

I wonder, in a general way, if an quality amp (and all parts) maintain the sound quality after all those years, needed only a check and bias adjustment.

Of course, in most hi-fi gear the capacitors and resistors are usually the first to need attention (change) but can those large caps (the size of a can of beer) last longer?



Showing 1 response by guscreek

I have owned and used my Proceed HPA-2 for 6 years.  Mark Levinson designed dual monoaural beast that can go 500w/4 ohms.  My Time Frame 2000s are 8-4 ohms, 92 db sensitivity and rated to 1000w.

When I owned a bigger house I enjoyed turning up the music past local listenability and do things around the house including electric mowing the lawn.  Unleashing the latent dynamism of my system always made me (and it) smile.  My point is I have driven this amp well past normal use for a long time.

As I understand one of the hallmarks of a Levinson design was all discrete components.  I suspect many of the older amps discussed here are of the same design philosophy.  Relatively easy to troubleshoot and repair. As far as I can tell my output transistors are still made.

I suspect most amp candidates here are massively overbuilt for most use.  I know mine is.  Most any machine is killed more by frequent start stop than actual use.  The preamp end of this amp is always powered as indicated by a separate light on the very sparse panel.

These amps are still around for 1200-1500.  I worry WAY more about something giving out on one of my TFs than my amp.

Although I'm not a HT guy the fact that a HPA-3, tri monoaural amp with the same power is available for folks that like all channels powered the same.

It's great to have choices!