Power amp recommendation for Harbeth 30.2s

It’s not that I don’t like my current setup, it’s just that I wonder whether a more powerful amp would give the music more heft.  I’m running a pair of Harbeth 30.2s through a Prima Luna EVO 300 preamp driven by a vintage YBA Passion SS 400 power amp (purchased second hand from a reputable dealer).  I listen primarily to music streamed  from my FLAC stored collection on my NAS or from Qobuz through a Bluesound Node 2 into a Chord Qutest.   The YBA is very transparent and I love the sound of my system, but sometimes wonder on certain types of music whether a more powerful amp would be an improvement.  I like the idea of a SS or hybrid power amp paired with a tube preamp.  I chose the although  the Prima Luna preamp after listening to a Prima Luna integrated against a Hegel H590 (I had previously owned the Hegel H190) and purchased the YBA at the same time.  My listening choices are varied (folk, jazz, alternative, vocal, rock (not metal), so I’m not looking for ear shattering volume.  I don’t like the idea of a tube power amp due to both cost and how hot they can run.  I’m captivated by the Pass amps, but they are expensive.  I’ve also wondered about the Van Alstine hybrid amps.  I’m throwing this out to the experts because I may be overthinking this and should just be satisfied with the YBA until it finally fizzles (it’s pretty old).  Thoughts?

Showing 1 response by jimmydd

I have the 30.1’s and use an Audio Research GS-150 to drive them. I agree that they are lacking in bass but the natural mid’s and high’s are exceptional and uncolored. I have purchased the REL T/7i’s to make up for lost bass. Tho not yet connected, this REL is claimed by other Harbeth owners and REL to pair nicely with the Harbeth as they are very quick in their bass response..so they match well with Harbeth’s. I always prefer a clean and tight bass versus overpowering and boomy bass. Perhaps the best woofers I have ever owned were the KEF woofers in the ESS Translinear II speakers of many moons ago. It offered the tightest, cleanest bass I have ever heard from a speaker.

I happen to like tube amps and pre-amps (use an AR pre-amp) but have heard tfrom other Harbeth owners that they do very well with a good solid state amp.