Potential subwoofer purchase-a few Q’s

I feel like I’m going to go with Rythmik for subs. I will eventually add another.

i find lots of love for the F12 in my searches but what about the L12 or F12 300? I could possibly squeeze 2 L12’s In at once otherwise the 2nd would have to wait until later in the year.

the entire room is 28’ x 13’, the speakers are on half the long wall shooting across the short wall. The Pinnacle 10” sub I dropped in for fun next to the listening seat adds a lot to the sound so I think replacing with a better sub, then adding a 2nd would be a smart idea.

Thoughts on these?

Showing 2 responses by erik_squires

I stack the soffit traps vertically.  You can put 2 in a corner easily.  And yes, they can help in the far corner as room modes are resonances. Any participating corner helps.

But it sounds like your sub is ready to go no matter what! :)
Drop 2-4 GIK Acoustic soffit traps in first. I stand mine in the corners.  You will most likely find that the ideal volume needs to go up.

THEN decide if you need to replace the sub, and how much of an upgrade you need.
